Subject: Work-from-home spam
25/06/2013 @ 00:31:43: owlman: Work-from-home spam
You know those work-from-home auto-generated spam comments that show up in the comments section on news articles, youtube, blog posts, etc? They usually contain the line "I just bought [insert expensive car] with all the money i made last month."

Today I saw this one, I thought it was funny:

Posted by Lisa080 at 8:13 a.m. Jun. 21, 2013 Report Abuse
Bailey. although David`s artlclee is something... last wednesday I bought a great Citroën 2CV after bringing in $8655 this last month and a little over 10/k last-month. it's certainly the easiest-work I've ever had. I started this 3 months ago and almost straight away was earning minimum $80.. per/hr. I follow instructions here............

25/06/2013 @ 01:03:34: Neptune: Work-from-home spam
Some of those automated text messages are funny, especially when they don’t read right because certain words are not used properly.
25/06/2013 @ 01:10:57: Sandie: Work-from-home spam
Exotic foreign car, isn't it. :grin:

I like how the punctuation and spelling is pretty poor but they put the diaeresis on Citroen (probably because they copied and pasted the name).