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Cars & Movies » English title; Gli Sterminatori dell'anno 3000 (1983)
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English title; Gli Sterminatori dell'anno 3000 (1983)
Published 16/08/2013 @ 17:58:16, By Ddey65
The English-speaking title for the bad Road Warrior clone Gli Sterminatori dell'anno 3000 (1983): Exterminators in the Year 3000, at least in the USA.

Why isn't it listed?

Latest Edition: 16/08/2013 @ 17:59:22
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English title; Gli Sterminatori dell'anno 3000 (1983)
Published 19/08/2013 @ 00:04:00, By Raul1983
Now it is listed. It's not a small work to add additional titles to films. I add those whenever I have some time but it will never be fully complete.
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