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[done] Need help identifying open-wheeled racecar
Published 23/11/2014 @ 21:20:16, By FordFan77
Can anyone help me identify this car? It's from the 1983 trailer for the videogame "Pole Position". The quality isn't that good (due to it being from '83), but it's still something to go off of. Additionally, the commercial and car can be seen here from 0:56-0:58:

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,

File: carscreencap1.jpg ( 60.6 KB - 601 )

Latest Edition: 27/11/2014 @ 12:10:38
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Need help identifying open-wheeled racecar
Published 23/11/2014 @ 23:13:08, By dsl
Circuit is Laguna Seca - there's a brief shot of its famous corkscrew earlier in the clip - so car is US type/formula. Script says Fantasy something, so probably fake livery (or a race school or one of those drive-a-racing-car experiences??). I'd guess it's some sort of 1600-2000cc formula, and possibly an older car (mid-70s onwards) than 1983.

Latest Edition: 23/11/2014 @ 23:14:11
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Need help identifying open-wheeled racecar
Published 23/11/2014 @ 23:31:57, By FordFan77
Cool, thanks.
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