02/03/2015 @ 05:40:18: zengalileo: Trying to identify the kind of Jeep used in Dominion the series
In the opening scene of the very first episode of season one of Dominion, there is a really awesome Jeep. I have never seen it before. It almost looks like a military jeep, but it looks like a late model of whatever it is (modern looking in other words.) Appreciate any help.
03/03/2015 @ 03:19:23: Sandie: Trying to identify the kind of Jeep used in Dominion the series
Not watched the show so working from pics from the web but do you mean this thing?
I'm wondering if it's CGI?
03/03/2015 @ 12:18:56: ingo: Trying to identify the kind of Jeep used in Dominion the series