Subject: Help. What movie?
29/05/2016 @ 10:14:10: Dylbz: Help. What movie?
I've just recently been to a movie themed museum in Spain and am wondering what movie(s) this bmw has been in... Any ideas?
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Hopefully this edit has fixed the no pic problem :ohwell:
01/06/2016 @ 01:08:49: dsl: Help. What movie?
What BMW?? (we need a posted picture ....)
02/06/2016 @ 13:37:52: antp: Help. What movie?
if it is on the site, it is one of these: 2&make=BMW&modelMatch=1&model=E30&modelInclChassis=on&mk=&class3=3&origin=&madein=- &madefor=&role=
There are 12 pages of that model, here sorted to display first those with a bigger role
02/06/2016 @ 23:25:28: dsl: Help. What movie?
I don't know what spec was sold in Spain, but seems mid-level to me - fogs, body colour mirrors, tints, sporty wheels but narrow, no headlight wipers. 318i or 320i?