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Old contributions (archive) » 1953 Willys Jeep Station Wagon - From the 1953 Film, "Donavan's Brain"
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1953 Willys Jeep Station Wagon - From the 1953 Film, "Donavan's Brain"
Published 28/03/2016 @ 01:49:56, By Shoshaunna
I would like to contribute a photo of a great classic Jeep, the 1953 Willy's Jeep Station Wagon from the 1953 Horror Film, "Donavan's Brain" starring Lew Ayres & Nancy Davis (Reagan). I wanted to know what kind of car this was with the wonderful reed sideboards on the door so I researched it. It was not on this website & thought it would be a great addition! Hope Jeep enthusiasts will enjoy it!
File: 1953 Willys Jeep Station Wagon.jpg ( 54.2 KB - 601 )
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1953 Willys Jeep Station Wagon - From the 1953 Film, "Donavan's Brain"
Published 19/05/2016 @ 13:14:13, By walter.
It's taken from our site actually, here it is:
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