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identify a movie
Published 23/12/2016 @ 16:40:34, By tchave
Hello everybody !
here is a picture, taken on the web to illustrate "Film Noir" movies :
Does someone recognize from which movie come those two Plymouth (1939 and 46/48 ?...
Thank you so much :wink:
Quelqu'un sait-il de quel film noir, est tiré cette photos qui met en scène ces deux Plymouth (39 et 46/48) ?
Merci à vous;

Latest Edition: 23/12/2016 @ 17:14:33
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identify a movie
Published 23/12/2016 @ 16:46:42, By tchave
sorry ! here is the pictures (previously too large)
File: two cars color 30x40B3.jpg ( 236.1 KB - 535 )

Latest Edition: 23/12/2016 @ 18:16:54
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identify a movie
Published 27/12/2016 @ 08:05:40, By atom
I would guess that it's from Mob City: The same cars also appears in Sparks:
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