Subject: IMCDb Forum Ads
13/12/2022 @ 14:41:32: rjluna2: IMCDb Forum Ads
Is it just me that I have too many ads in this site?
13/12/2022 @ 15:06:23: antp: IMCDb Forum Ads
It is not managed by me, I think the ads on the forum are managed automatically by Google which inserts them where it finds space.
14/12/2022 @ 19:44:34: rjluna2: IMCDb Forum Ads
That's what I thought :tongue:
14/12/2022 @ 20:09:18: night cub: IMCDb Forum Ads
At least those aren't obnoxious, when I first look at a topic on the forum on my iPad or my second computer, I get pop-up ads, usually in German for some reason.