Subject: Site updates
31/08/2023 @ 18:20:04: antp: Site updates
As requested on now the non-admin contributors can add/edit aka titles on movie pages, but only when there are no validated vehicles on them.
So they can do it before adding vehicles, or after adding vehicles before an admin validates them.
When the admin validates the vehicles he can check if there is nothing weird in the aka titles :grin:
04/09/2023 @ 16:38:25: antp: Site updates
Small new feature, just for admins : in the checkboxes on the right of the comments, if you shift+click on a box it will also check all the boxes above it, up until the next one with a different status: i.e. you check box of the first comment you want to select, then shift+click the box of the last comment of the set, and all between should also be checked. It works also for unchecking all by shift+clicking the last one of the selection.

It allows to easily select multiples comments to delete/archive.
It will be useful when cleaning is needed. Don't overuse it, though, e.g. for mass-deleting posts of poor unreliable users :tongue:

I'm not very good with Javascript, hence why there isn't that much on the site :grin: It works in Firefox and Edge, so I assume it will work in Chrome and other recent browsers.
20/09/2023 @ 12:41:13: antp: Site updates
I did a small change in the parsing of links in comments, to improve internal links when one makes a link to a imcdb page using [url] tags, to keep the current domain (http or https, with or without www).
I hope I did not break anything, please report here if you notice some different/wrong behaviour.
17/10/2023 @ 14:17:40: antp: Site updates
I made a change in picture-for-comments upload: new pictures will be stored in a subfolder of current year, as for some users the number of pictures in the same folder becomes a little big.
So for example for me instead of my next new pictures will be in, and next year in etc.
I hope it will not cause issues, please report me anything suspicious that you notice.
28/01/2024 @ 13:52:56: antp: Site updates
Small update: now by default comment search is limited to the last 3 months.
This can easily be changed from the search page or at the bottom of the results page.
I've done that because comment search is the heaviest function of the site, and usually a search only in the last messages is enough. So for all these the search will be much faster and will not cause too much load/stress on the server.
29/01/2024 @ 14:28:23: 3loader: Site updates
I found that my comments is gone. Only last 2 pages left.
Anyone else faced such problem?
29/01/2024 @ 14:38:24: dsl: Site updates
Yes - everything older than 3 months disappeared from my "Comments Posted" list on my profile. But the comments are still there on the site's back pages. Hopefully only a temporary hiccup, as I often rely on being able to quickly retrieve things I said earlier??
29/01/2024 @ 14:49:01: antp: Site updates
Didn't you read the message I posted just above? :tongue:
Small update: now by default comment search is limited to the last 3 months.
This can easily be changed from the search page or at the bottom of the results page.

If you need to access older messages, at the bottom where you have the list of pages you also have the range selection, 3 months by default, but it can be extended to what you need, in case you need to go further in the history :wink:
29/01/2024 @ 14:51:33: 3loader: Site updates
Oh. Yes. I see. Sorry.
29/01/2024 @ 19:48:20: antp: Site updates
For the admins: I moved the link for enabling bots filtering to a new page "admin tools" (and the link to that page replaces the previous link for enabling bots filtering).
This allows to view the current status (enabled or not), and later I'll use that page if there are other admin stuff to put somewhere.
03/02/2024 @ 08:59:32: antp: Site updates
Again for admins: I added a "Quote" button beside the "Delete" and "Archive" buttons, allowing to get quotes for all the selected comments. This can be useful when merging two vehicle pages when we want to keep the comments, rather than get the quotes of the comments one by one. Or when moving a vehicle to the movie page before deletion.
17/03/2024 @ 11:49:58: antp: Site updates
I'll soon apply a small update on the site, in how comments and user accounts are linked.
After the update there should not really a visible change but it may be a slight improvement for performance, that's always a bonus for the growing site.
Also, I'll fix the problem of having to log out and log in again after the site is locked for changes, but that will not apply to this time: it will only be applicable to the future updates.
17/03/2024 @ 12:20:22: antp: Site updates
Update done.
17/03/2024 @ 18:56:19: QueenMDX: Site updates
Thanks as always, antp. :grinking:
10/05/2024 @ 11:16:51: antp: Site updates
I'll deploy now an update pending since a few weeks, I've redone the admin pages in a more modern style to make them easier to use on mobile.
I hope there won't be bugs, but it is quite possible that you encounter errors in some case, as I can have missed something.
If you get an error, please describe the exact action you were trying to do, from which page you went, and the address of the page on which you had the error.
10/05/2024 @ 11:31:55: antp: Site updates
Update done.
I guess some will not like the change, as usual, but after a short time I hope that it will be good for everyone :grin:
10/05/2024 @ 11:44:34: Jale: Site updates
If the "model" field is empty, it does not set automatically "unknown"...
10/05/2024 @ 11:46:34: antp: Site updates
:confused: It was not the case before, only the make was set to "unknown" when empty
As we have vehicles with just a make.
Or you mean that when creating a new vehicle it was defaulting the model to "unknown" so it was impossible to fill only the make?
10/05/2024 @ 11:49:43: night cub: Site updates
The dropdown list for Class only has Car and Bike categories, everything else is listed under Bike.
10/05/2024 @ 11:52:54: Jale: Site updates
Earlier it was set as unkown. If without Make - then only "unknown" in the "Make" field. If Make was known, but "Model" was empty - then was Model unknown (for example "Mercedes-Benz unknown").
Also - the photo selection button ("Browse...") could be in a more distinctive color (meaning darker gray, or something)