Subject: Site updates
15/05/2024 @ 10:58:06: antp: Site updates
Server restarting, lets cross fingers all works well within the next 15-30 min :grin: (maybe less, I don't remember exactly the time it takes)
15/05/2024 @ 11:14:22: antp: Site updates
Upgrade done, it will be a little slow for the next minutes.
15/05/2024 @ 11:27:43: antp: Site updates
I'll maybe do another update next week, as normally there are 2 per year but I tend to procrastinate that task, since I'm always afraid it fails :whistle:
17/05/2024 @ 14:23:17: Lateef: Site updates
I'm trying to wrap my head around the new look of the vehicle edit/addition pages. Since I never use a smartphone to correct entries I find the whole thing slightly unnecessary for my part. The fact I now have to scroll to reach the bottom is my main gripe, but I can live with it. If there's one thing I have to commend, it's the fact that it appears to run a bit smoother than the predecessor.

However, a few things. Can we please allow for the addition of fullpics with the previous size limits? I find it aggravating and breaking with tradition that I no longer can post a 200 pixel high fullpic for screentitles like I used to do (and 300 for album covers). Now I'm stuck with a lame 120 pixel max.

Another setback of the recent update is the 'copy to clipboard' button preceding the 'add another picture' link on the pictures-for-comments-page. I use tab, and it's bothersome that I have to double press tab, and when I forget I have to double tab again as pressing tab once simply bounces you back. I guess this is another smartphone-friendly innovation? I can live with it, but it was better before.
17/05/2024 @ 19:04:43: antp: Site updates
After some time you can get used to the new style :grin:
I was using it on the test server since a month, after some time I preferred the new one, finding the old one so outdated, I was just waiting to put the new one on the real server.

I am testing options to allow to chose text zoom % on admin page (currently it is set at 90%, since at 100% people found it too big), and I'll try to also add an option to reduce the space between fields (kind of "compact mode").

Here is a copy/paste of info I sent to another admin who complained about the scroll:

On my screen (1080p with small font in Windows & Firefox) I have the whole vehicle page on the screen without scroll. In Edge it is even smaller.
If you use Chrome it is possible that it uses a larger font by default (maybe something that can be changed in the settings?)

For saving or jumping to a field, there were (and still are) some shortcuts.
In general to submit a form (add/update/save/post) there is Alt+Shift+S (or Alt+S depending on your browser settings).
Each field of the vehicle edit page has a shortcut, the one I use the most is Alt+(Shift+)T for the timecode field.
There is also Alt+(Shift+)A to add a vehicle and Alt+(Shift+)U to upload the picture, both from vehicle page or after adding/updating a vehicle.

I was not sure what size to allow for the fullpic link, as Mike tends to overuse it. He is the reason why I changed the limit :grin:
But note that you can yourself replace "pic" by "fullpic" when pasting the code in the comment :wink:

I agree that on the picture upload the copy button that gets active with tab is a little annoying, I sometimes accidentally activate it when I want to upload a second picture :grin:
The copy button is probably useful for many users (not only mobile), I'll check if it is possible to avoid focus on it. In the meantime, you can also use the Alt+(Shift+)U shortcut that I added on the "Upload another picture" link like there was one for the other "Upload picture" links.

I am afraid of what will happen when the front-end will change :whistle: As we will have to make the site more mobile-friendly some day.
One solution would be to have two separate versions, one with the old layout and one responsive for mobile, but it is a lot of work.
Anyway there are so many other things to do, it will not arrive quickly.
17/05/2024 @ 20:57:58: Lateef: Site updates

But note that you can yourself replace "pic" by "fullpic" when pasting the code in the comment :wink:

Thanks for that bit of information!
18/05/2024 @ 16:29:08: rjluna2: Site updates
But note that you can yourself replace "pic" by "fullpic" when pasting the code in the comment :wink:

Thanks for this tip, Antoine :smile:
18/05/2024 @ 16:48:41: antp: Site updates
But do not overuse it :tongue:
22/05/2024 @ 08:47:06: antp: Site updates
I added two new options on the profile page, for the admin pages
- Text size, that allows you to define the % zoom of the text (you can put it on 80 or 90% to get it like what it was after the last tweaks, as I've put back the default to 100)
- Reduce space between rows, for the non-mobile users or those who like more compact display.

It is difficult to say what is the best value as it depends on the browser, font settings and OS settings. On my PC in Firefox 80% size text and with that option enabled, it takes about the same space as the old-style admin pages.
22/05/2024 @ 23:54:16: humungus: Site updates
Thanks for the two options. Indeed, for me (I have Vivaldi with default font settings, no scaling in Windows) 80% + Reduce space seems to be exactly what the doctor ordered. :smile:

Also, I like the "Copy to clipboard" button. Even though I'm a keyboard fanatic, I've always used my mouse on the upload picture page, and I actually prefer the button to pressing ctrl+c here, as the case may be.
I don't know if it's possible, but for those who don't like it, perhaps it can be made optional (ie. by way of a "Hide 'Copy to clipboard' button" option)?
23/05/2024 @ 05:19:25: Baube: Site updates
simply reduce the spaces did it for me :smile:
23/05/2024 @ 06:41:55: antp: Site updates

I don't know if it's possible, but for those who don't like it, perhaps it can be made optional (ie. by way of a "Hide 'Copy to clipboard' button" option)?

I wasn't planning to hide the button, just avoid having it highlighted when pressing tab and rather go to the link below directly :wink:
23/05/2024 @ 18:30:20: antp: Site updates
Small update on the titles search: I added a test for entries with only short words, like "The Ex-PM". I hope it improves these cases without breaking others :grin:
23/05/2024 @ 19:30:30: antp: Site updates
Also modified the "Copy to clipboard" button so it does not get focused when pressing Tab in the picture upload window.
This should be appreciated by Lateef & Humungus :wink:
24/05/2024 @ 11:21:44: humungus: Site updates
I said I didn't use the keyboard on that page, so this shouldn't have any effect on me. :smile:

But I tried it just now anyway and if the intention was to skip the "Copy..." button and move focus directly to "Upload another picture", it doesn't work in my browser (Vivaldi). The focus stays in the forum Link field. It's probably my browser. I don't think it focuses on URLs with keyboard by default.
24/05/2024 @ 12:49:23: antp: Site updates
Possible that it does not focuses links indeed.
I thought you also had an issue with the button, but it was maybe someone else in addition to Lateef then :grin:
25/05/2024 @ 14:15:12: dsl: Site updates
Header on site page says

"Small update for admin pages: now you can asjust the size of the text via an option on your profile page. See on this thread on the forum for more details or to report any problem that you notice."

I've never been able to asjust anything. I can't whistle either, pop my cheeks, or click my fingers ...
25/05/2024 @ 18:04:04: antp: Site updates
06/06/2024 @ 07:19:10: Exiv96: Site updates
I've been mostly away from IMCDb for a month now (I've started a part-time job) and am quite surprised by the sheer size of the admin page ! I'm not a tech guy so I don't know why a "small" smartphone screen needs a page that looks enormous on a 15-inch 1920x1080 laptop display... which I don't like anyway, as text and icons were too small for my eyesight when I first got it, so I've had to add a +25% zoom to make things legible. And I guess that zoom doesn't help about the page size.

Anyway, the zoom adjustment and Reduce space between rows option have helped.
06/06/2024 @ 07:48:38: antp: Site updates
Well indeed if you applied a +25% zoom on the site, the admin pages look enormous :grin:
But it is actually the "public" pages that are rather small and should maybe originally be written bigger for most of the people :smile:
The thing is that it is not only smartphone vs desktop, but also that on both the user can change the global font size, independently from the image resolution.
I've on my to-do list the idea to allow to define a different size for the "public" pages like you can do with the admin pages, and try to have something more coherent. But it is not easy with that old HTML code that I cannot change too much (otherwise people will say it was better before).