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Can't seem to locate "The Girl" 2012
Published 25/06/2015 @ 22:33:28, By Max_Power
There are two films from 2012 entitled "The Girl". However the one I'm searching for and can't seem to find is the HBO films docudrama about the relationship between Alfred Hitchcock & Tippi Hedren while filming "The Birds" and "Marnie" during the early 1960s. This is the imdb link:

Am I just missing the listing somehow or does it need to be added? Being about Hollywood stars of the 1960s it has got more than a few vintage classics, and at least one even slightly more exotic car I couldn't identify.
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Can't seem to locate "The Girl" 2012
Published 25/06/2015 @ 22:50:33, By Sandie
Having checked using the IMDB number it seems not to be listed yet. Sounds like something that would be interesting to have though...
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