General » Contents Statistics
Contents Statistics
Published 29/01/2006 @ 23:15:07, By antp
Stats of site contents:
Date Movies Cars Makes Pictures Size (MB)
2005-02-17 2362 7973 4680 128
2005-06-01 2420 8916 5458 154
2005-06-19 2441 9187
2005-07-16 2502 9474
2005-09-08 2637 10553
2005-10-02 2679 11021
2005-11-05 2783 12480 9091 269
2005-11-24 2865 13341 9914 293
2005-12-10 2933 14221 10830 324
2005-12-24 2977 15260 11873 355
2006-01-01 3029 16113 12715 381
2006-01-14 3104 17825 14435 437
2006-01-29 3204 19522 515 16129 491
2006-02-12 3297 20914 545 17554 540
2006-02-26 3393 22670 584 19317 599
2006-03-18 3519 24968 629 21608 673
2006-04-01 3651 26792 661 23361 731
2006-04-16 3791 28650 689 25258 796
2006-04-30 3865 30130 707 26795 846
2006-05-20 3997 32770 755 29456 938
2006-06-03 4130 34594 793 31211 1001
2006-06-24 4323 37797 841 34393 1112
2006-07-08 4415 39581 873 36232 1177
2006-07-21 4556 41380 903 38021 1242
2006-08-06 4728 44211 941 40849 1333
2006-08-19 4847 46213 961 42891 1403
2006-08-28 4941 47668 979 44324 1457
2006-09-09 5038 49985 996 46633 1538
2006-09-25 5216 53562 1050 50212 1666
2006-10-08 5343 56080 1076 52752 1757
2006-10-21 5494 58403 1098 55068 1839
2006-11-04 5635 61200 1136 57857 1938
2006-11-18 5783 64626 1177 61278 2060
2006-12-09 6078 69432 1201 66060 2238
2006-12-23 6209 72156 1221 68808 2340
2007-01-07 6338 74829 1236 71495 2439
2007-01-21 6481 77371 1245 74032 2536
2007-02-04 6644 79972 1270 76618 2635
2007-02-17 6832 82999 1295 79632 2747
2007-03-04 7039 86549 1317 83089 2877
2007-03-18 7151 89329 1343 85920 2988
2007-03-31 7291 91991 1366 88568 3086
2007-04-14 7422 94595 1393 91209 3183
2007-04-28 7590 97222 1431 93766 3277
2007-05-12 7753 99566 1452 96103 3362
2007-05-25 7881 101260 1465 97809 3423
2007-06-23 8179 106650 1493 103141 3620
2007-07-07 8297 108881 1491 105360 3699
2007-07-21 8469 111294 1509 107755 3786
2007-08-04 8629 114231 1511 110677 3893
2007-08-18 8775 116603 1521 113047 3982
2007-09-08 8969 119980 1540 116413 4100
2007-09-23 9095 121947 1555 118342 4166
2007-10-06 9215 124275 1576 120673 4250
2007-10-21 9329 126775 1582 123149 4338
2007-11-04 9491 129287 1612 125667 4429
2007-11-17 9620 131276 1626 127647 4503
2007-12-02 9804 133989 1640 130354 4604
2007-12-15 9944 136253 1660 132609 4688
2007-12-29 10106 138500 1676 134711 4765
2008-01-12 10245 140918 1691 137263 4850
2008-01-26 10403 143763 1708 140114 4946
2008-02-09 10527 146522 1729 142907 5040
2008-02-24 10719 149165 1748 145553 5125
2008-03-08 10887 152250 1772 148676 5230
2008-03-22 11025 154961 1780 151444 5327
2008-04-05 11134 157339 1800 153808 5404
2008-04-19 11278 160181 1821 156657 5497
2008-05-03 11404 162295 1822 158775 5572
2008-05-17 11507 164607 1836 161104 5651
2008-05-31 11661 167245 1839 163730 5739
2008-06-28 11902 171892 1852 168380 5896
2008-07-13 11990 173654 1856 170158 5956
2008-08-09 12150 176506 1879 173005 6056
2008-08-24 12253 178230 1883 174725 6117
2008-09-06 12345 179519 1896 175989 6166
2008-09-21 12441 181354 1912 177808 6230
2008-10-05 12549 183567 1927 180062 6306
2008-10-20 12670 185552 1943 181991 6376
2008-10-31 12754 186904 1950 183335 6425
2008-11-11 12838 188664 1955 185082 6481
2008-11-22 12892 190215 1956 186636 6529
2008-12-06 12991 192117 1981 188578 6594
2008-12-20 13069 193760 1994 190270 6657
2009-01-04 13170 196051 1995 192780 6738
2009-01-17 13274 197621 2011 194317 6794
2009-01-31 13378 199330 2015 195955 6850
Latest Edition: 31/01/2009 @ 11:59:11
Date Movies Cars Makes Pictures Size (MB)
2005-02-17 2362 7973 4680 128
2005-06-01 2420 8916 5458 154
2005-06-19 2441 9187
2005-07-16 2502 9474
2005-09-08 2637 10553
2005-10-02 2679 11021
2005-11-05 2783 12480 9091 269
2005-11-24 2865 13341 9914 293
2005-12-10 2933 14221 10830 324
2005-12-24 2977 15260 11873 355
2006-01-01 3029 16113 12715 381
2006-01-14 3104 17825 14435 437
2006-01-29 3204 19522 515 16129 491
2006-02-12 3297 20914 545 17554 540
2006-02-26 3393 22670 584 19317 599
2006-03-18 3519 24968 629 21608 673
2006-04-01 3651 26792 661 23361 731
2006-04-16 3791 28650 689 25258 796
2006-04-30 3865 30130 707 26795 846
2006-05-20 3997 32770 755 29456 938
2006-06-03 4130 34594 793 31211 1001
2006-06-24 4323 37797 841 34393 1112
2006-07-08 4415 39581 873 36232 1177
2006-07-21 4556 41380 903 38021 1242
2006-08-06 4728 44211 941 40849 1333
2006-08-19 4847 46213 961 42891 1403
2006-08-28 4941 47668 979 44324 1457
2006-09-09 5038 49985 996 46633 1538
2006-09-25 5216 53562 1050 50212 1666
2006-10-08 5343 56080 1076 52752 1757
2006-10-21 5494 58403 1098 55068 1839
2006-11-04 5635 61200 1136 57857 1938
2006-11-18 5783 64626 1177 61278 2060
2006-12-09 6078 69432 1201 66060 2238
2006-12-23 6209 72156 1221 68808 2340
2007-01-07 6338 74829 1236 71495 2439
2007-01-21 6481 77371 1245 74032 2536
2007-02-04 6644 79972 1270 76618 2635
2007-02-17 6832 82999 1295 79632 2747
2007-03-04 7039 86549 1317 83089 2877
2007-03-18 7151 89329 1343 85920 2988
2007-03-31 7291 91991 1366 88568 3086
2007-04-14 7422 94595 1393 91209 3183
2007-04-28 7590 97222 1431 93766 3277
2007-05-12 7753 99566 1452 96103 3362
2007-05-25 7881 101260 1465 97809 3423
2007-06-23 8179 106650 1493 103141 3620
2007-07-07 8297 108881 1491 105360 3699
2007-07-21 8469 111294 1509 107755 3786
2007-08-04 8629 114231 1511 110677 3893
2007-08-18 8775 116603 1521 113047 3982
2007-09-08 8969 119980 1540 116413 4100
2007-09-23 9095 121947 1555 118342 4166
2007-10-06 9215 124275 1576 120673 4250
2007-10-21 9329 126775 1582 123149 4338
2007-11-04 9491 129287 1612 125667 4429
2007-11-17 9620 131276 1626 127647 4503
2007-12-02 9804 133989 1640 130354 4604
2007-12-15 9944 136253 1660 132609 4688
2007-12-29 10106 138500 1676 134711 4765
2008-01-12 10245 140918 1691 137263 4850
2008-01-26 10403 143763 1708 140114 4946
2008-02-09 10527 146522 1729 142907 5040
2008-02-24 10719 149165 1748 145553 5125
2008-03-08 10887 152250 1772 148676 5230
2008-03-22 11025 154961 1780 151444 5327
2008-04-05 11134 157339 1800 153808 5404
2008-04-19 11278 160181 1821 156657 5497
2008-05-03 11404 162295 1822 158775 5572
2008-05-17 11507 164607 1836 161104 5651
2008-05-31 11661 167245 1839 163730 5739
2008-06-28 11902 171892 1852 168380 5896
2008-07-13 11990 173654 1856 170158 5956
2008-08-09 12150 176506 1879 173005 6056
2008-08-24 12253 178230 1883 174725 6117
2008-09-06 12345 179519 1896 175989 6166
2008-09-21 12441 181354 1912 177808 6230
2008-10-05 12549 183567 1927 180062 6306
2008-10-20 12670 185552 1943 181991 6376
2008-10-31 12754 186904 1950 183335 6425
2008-11-11 12838 188664 1955 185082 6481
2008-11-22 12892 190215 1956 186636 6529
2008-12-06 12991 192117 1981 188578 6594
2008-12-20 13069 193760 1994 190270 6657
2009-01-04 13170 196051 1995 192780 6738
2009-01-17 13274 197621 2011 194317 6794
2009-01-31 13378 199330 2015 195955 6850
Latest Edition: 31/01/2009 @ 11:59:11
Published 02/02/2006 @ 13:49:18, By wickey
is the number of cars the real one - I mean when sometimes a car is deleted, the number remains, right?
Published 02/02/2006 @ 14:28:37, By antp
It is the real number of cars, the highest car-id was higher than 20000 when I updated the stats
So some of the car-id do not exist anymore, but they won't be reused.
Latest Edition: 02/02/2006 @ 14:33:20

Latest Edition: 02/02/2006 @ 14:33:20
Published 09/02/2006 @ 21:36:51, By antp
List of movies with the most vehicles (> 50):
Same but for those that have at least 30 vehicles that have 2 stars or more (unfortunately lots of vehicles do not have rating info)
Latest Edition: 26/02/2006 @ 14:20:37
Count Title
234 CHiPs (series)
229 The New Avengers (series)
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (TV)
120 The Dukes of Hazzard (series)
109 The Persuaders! (series)
102 Danger Man (series)
101 The Junkman
96 Gone in 60 Seconds
94 Alias (series)
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts
86 The X Files (series)
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds
74 Mitt hjärtas Malmö (documentary)
72 Fastlane (series)
69 Sous le soleil (series)
69 Du rififi à Paname
61 In The Red
60 Ronin
58 Grand Theft Auto
57 24 (series)
53 La Polizia La Legge Assolve
53 Invisible Man
52 Vertigo
51 Smallville (series)
234 CHiPs (series)
229 The New Avengers (series)
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (TV)
120 The Dukes of Hazzard (series)
109 The Persuaders! (series)
102 Danger Man (series)
101 The Junkman
96 Gone in 60 Seconds
94 Alias (series)
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts
86 The X Files (series)
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds
74 Mitt hjärtas Malmö (documentary)
72 Fastlane (series)
69 Sous le soleil (series)
69 Du rififi à Paname
61 In The Red
60 Ronin
58 Grand Theft Auto
57 24 (series)
53 La Polizia La Legge Assolve
53 Invisible Man
52 Vertigo
51 Smallville (series)
Same but for those that have at least 30 vehicles that have 2 stars or more (unfortunately lots of vehicles do not have rating info)
Count Title
117 CHiPs (series)
93 The New Avengers (series)
67 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (TV)
58 The Junkman
55 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts
55 The Dukes of Hazzard (series)
51 Sous le soleil (series)
50 The Persuaders! (series)
49 Alias (series)
49 Danger Man (series)
47 The X Files (series)
44 Gone in Sixty Seconds
44 Gone in 60 Seconds
37 Stargate SG-1 (series)
36 Michel Vaillant
35 Vremya zhestokikh (miniseries)
34 Taxi
32 24 (series)
32 Grand Theft Auto
31 Trafic
117 CHiPs (series)
93 The New Avengers (series)
67 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (TV)
58 The Junkman
55 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts
55 The Dukes of Hazzard (series)
51 Sous le soleil (series)
50 The Persuaders! (series)
49 Alias (series)
49 Danger Man (series)
47 The X Files (series)
44 Gone in Sixty Seconds
44 Gone in 60 Seconds
37 Stargate SG-1 (series)
36 Michel Vaillant
35 Vremya zhestokikh (miniseries)
34 Taxi
32 24 (series)
32 Grand Theft Auto
31 Trafic
Latest Edition: 26/02/2006 @ 14:20:37
Published 18/03/2006 @ 12:54:22, By antp
I updated the stats again, and here is the new lists...
Most vehicles:
Same with only movies and TV-movies:
Counting only vehicles with more than 1 star:
Same with only movies and TV-movies:
Latest Edition: 18/03/2006 @ 13:04:08
Most vehicles:
Count Title
314 CHiPs (1977) (series)
229 The New Avengers (1976) (series)
164 Miami Vice (1984) (series)
131 Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (1996) (series)
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001) (TV)
120 The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) (series)
109 The Persuaders! (1971) (series)
106 The X Files (1993) (series)
101 The Junkman (1982)
101 Danger Man (1960) (series)
101 The Champions (1968) (series)
96 Alias (2001) (series)
96 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
77 Sous le soleil (1996) (series)
74 Le petit soldat (1963)
74 Mitt hjärtas Malmö (2005) (doc.)
73 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
72 Fastlane (2002) (series)
70 24 (2001) (series)
69 Du rififi à Paname (1966)
64 Un homme est mort (1972)
60 Ronin (1998)
60 In The Red (1999)
314 CHiPs (1977) (series)
229 The New Avengers (1976) (series)
164 Miami Vice (1984) (series)
131 Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (1996) (series)
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001) (TV)
120 The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) (series)
109 The Persuaders! (1971) (series)
106 The X Files (1993) (series)
101 The Junkman (1982)
101 Danger Man (1960) (series)
101 The Champions (1968) (series)
96 Alias (2001) (series)
96 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
77 Sous le soleil (1996) (series)
74 Le petit soldat (1963)
74 Mitt hjärtas Malmö (2005) (doc.)
73 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
72 Fastlane (2002) (series)
70 24 (2001) (series)
69 Du rififi à Paname (1966)
64 Un homme est mort (1972)
60 Ronin (1998)
60 In The Red (1999)
Same with only movies and TV-movies:
Count Title
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001)
101 The Junkman (1982)
96 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
74 Le petit soldat (1963)
73 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
69 Du rififi à Paname (1966)
64 Un homme est mort (1972)
60 In The Red (1999)
60 Ronin (1998)
58 Grand Theft Auto (1977)
53 Invisible Man (1958)
53 La Polizia La Legge Assolve (1973)
52 Vertigo (1958)
51 Le deuxième souffle (1966)
50 Maximum Overdrive (1986)
48 The love bug (1968)
48 The Gumball Rally (1976)
47 The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)
46 Under Suspicion (1991)
46 Car-Napping - Bestellt, geklaut, geliefert (1980)
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001)
101 The Junkman (1982)
96 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
74 Le petit soldat (1963)
73 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
69 Du rififi à Paname (1966)
64 Un homme est mort (1972)
60 In The Red (1999)
60 Ronin (1998)
58 Grand Theft Auto (1977)
53 Invisible Man (1958)
53 La Polizia La Legge Assolve (1973)
52 Vertigo (1958)
51 Le deuxième souffle (1966)
50 Maximum Overdrive (1986)
48 The love bug (1968)
48 The Gumball Rally (1976)
47 The Girl on a Motorcycle (1968)
46 Under Suspicion (1991)
46 Car-Napping - Bestellt, geklaut, geliefert (1980)
Counting only vehicles with more than 1 star:
Count Title
147 CHiPs (1977) (series)
103 Miami Vice (1984) (series)
93 The New Avengers (1976) (series)
76 Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (1996) (series)
67 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001) (TV)
62 The X Files (1993) (series)
60 Sous le soleil (1996) (series)
58 The Junkman (1982)
55 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
55 The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) (series)
51 Alias (2001) (series)
50 The Persuaders! (1971) (series)
49 Danger Man (1960) (series)
44 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
44 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
43 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
39 24 (2001) (series)
37 Stargate SG-1 (1997) (series)
36 Michel Vaillant (2003)
35 Vremya zhestokikh (2004) (series)
33 The Champions (1968) (series)
32 Grand Theft Auto (1977)
32 Cannonball Run II (1984)
31 Trafic (1971)
147 CHiPs (1977) (series)
103 Miami Vice (1984) (series)
93 The New Avengers (1976) (series)
76 Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (1996) (series)
67 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001) (TV)
62 The X Files (1993) (series)
60 Sous le soleil (1996) (series)
58 The Junkman (1982)
55 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
55 The Dukes of Hazzard (1979) (series)
51 Alias (2001) (series)
50 The Persuaders! (1971) (series)
49 Danger Man (1960) (series)
44 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
44 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
43 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
39 24 (2001) (series)
37 Stargate SG-1 (1997) (series)
36 Michel Vaillant (2003)
35 Vremya zhestokikh (2004) (series)
33 The Champions (1968) (series)
32 Grand Theft Auto (1977)
32 Cannonball Run II (1984)
31 Trafic (1971)
Same with only movies and TV-movies:
Count Title
67 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001)
58 The Junkman (1982)
55 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
44 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
44 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
43 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
36 Michel Vaillant (2003)
32 Cannonball Run II (1984)
32 Grand Theft Auto (1977)
31 Trafic (1971)
29 The Gumball Rally (1976)
28 James Bond - The Living Daylights (1987)
28 Convoy (1978)
28 Autobahnraser (2004)
28 Invisible Man (1958)
27 The Cannonball Run (1981)
26 Les anges gardiens (1995)
25 Car-Napping - Bestellt, geklaut, geliefert (1980)
25 xXx (2002)
25 Maximum Overdrive (1986)
24 The Fast and the Furious (2001)
24 Ronin (1998)
24 The Italian Job (1969)
23 RPM (1998)
67 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars (2001)
58 The Junkman (1982)
55 Chris Barrie's Motoring Wheel Nuts (1995)
44 Gone in 60 Seconds (1974)
44 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)
43 The Fast and the Furious (1954)
36 Michel Vaillant (2003)
32 Cannonball Run II (1984)
32 Grand Theft Auto (1977)
31 Trafic (1971)
29 The Gumball Rally (1976)
28 James Bond - The Living Daylights (1987)
28 Convoy (1978)
28 Autobahnraser (2004)
28 Invisible Man (1958)
27 The Cannonball Run (1981)
26 Les anges gardiens (1995)
25 Car-Napping - Bestellt, geklaut, geliefert (1980)
25 xXx (2002)
25 Maximum Overdrive (1986)
24 The Fast and the Furious (2001)
24 Ronin (1998)
24 The Italian Job (1969)
23 RPM (1998)
Latest Edition: 18/03/2006 @ 13:04:08
Published 03/04/2006 @ 22:30:36, By antp
As requested by Stronghold... the top of the makes/models :
3335 Ford
2207 Chevrolet
1159 Mercedes-Benz
1068 Renault
869 Citroën
865 Cadillac
805 Volkswagen
783 Peugeot
738 Dodge
652 BMW
599 Volvo
294 Crown Victoria
291 Mustang
269 Impala
237 Caprice
152 S-Klasse
150 Town Car
125 Deville
123 Econoline
121 Thunderbird
121 Range-Rover
119 5
106 Cherokee
102 Town Car Stretched Limousine
102 El Camino
101 Taurus
The Town Car has lost its good place, now that the Streched Limousines are separated...
214 Typ 1
74 W220
71 W126
64 E30
60 Typ 2 / T2
57 Typ 17
56 W140
55 Typ 14
53 Typ 2 / T1
45 X48
(X48 is Renault 21)
Latest Edition: 03/04/2006 @ 22:30:59
3335 Ford
2207 Chevrolet
1159 Mercedes-Benz
1068 Renault
869 Citroën
865 Cadillac
805 Volkswagen
783 Peugeot
738 Dodge
652 BMW
599 Volvo
294 Crown Victoria
291 Mustang
269 Impala
237 Caprice
152 S-Klasse
150 Town Car
125 Deville
123 Econoline
121 Thunderbird
121 Range-Rover
119 5
106 Cherokee
102 Town Car Stretched Limousine
102 El Camino
101 Taurus
The Town Car has lost its good place, now that the Streched Limousines are separated...
214 Typ 1
74 W220
71 W126
64 E30
60 Typ 2 / T2
57 Typ 17
56 W140
55 Typ 14
53 Typ 2 / T1
45 X48
(X48 is Renault 21)
Latest Edition: 03/04/2006 @ 22:30:59
Published 04/04/2006 @ 14:46:33, By wickey
and don'f forget Volvo 2xx series - 190 pieces
+ Volvo is almost in top 10 (#11)

Published 04/04/2006 @ 14:56:46, By antp
For 2xx series, I cannot include it in stats as they are not grouped with a common value somewhere. Same problem for Citroën DS 19/21 and ID, lots of different names.
Latest Edition: 04/04/2006 @ 14:57:07
Latest Edition: 04/04/2006 @ 14:57:07
Published 07/04/2006 @ 11:26:51, By stronghold
thanks Antoine.! guessed ..the USA Fords & Chevy's ..are just ahead of the VW typ 1.!
Latest Edition: 07/04/2006 @ 11:29:06 guessed ..the USA Fords & Chevy's ..are just ahead of the VW typ 1.!
Latest Edition: 07/04/2006 @ 11:29:06
Published 30/04/2006 @ 15:00:22, By antp
List of first post updated with today's backup
Published 04/05/2006 @ 15:04:04, By wickey
that is a nice increase - more than 3000 pictures last month

Published 17/05/2006 @ 20:44:32, By wickey
currently 329 Crown Victorias on the site

Published 20/05/2006 @ 17:42:52, By antp
Updated again the stats in first post.
Most common makes:
4012 Ford
2590 Chevrolet
1389 Mercedes-Benz
1250 Renault
1028 Cadillac
1014 Citroën
1010 Volkswagen
944 Peugeot
876 Dodge
803 BMW
764 Volvo
562 Lincoln
558 Pontiac
Models: (a little biased as for some ones model field is not always the same for a similar model)
330 Ford Crown Victoria
323 Ford Mustang
308 Chevrolet Impala
272 Chevrolet Caprice
174 Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse
174 Lincoln Town Car
146 Ford Econoline
138 Cadillac Deville
135 Land-Rover Range-Rover
134 Mercedes-Benz
134 Ford Thunderbird
125 Lincoln Town Car Stretched Limousine
121 Chevrolet Bel Air
121 Jeep Cherokee
276 Volkswagen Typ 1
84 Mercedes-Benz W220
83 Mercedes-Benz W126
79 BMW E30
73 Volkswagen Typ 2 / T2
69 Volkswagen Typ 17
65 Volkswagen Typ 2 / T1
62 Mercedes-Benz W140
59 Volkswagen Typ 14
53 Mercedes-Benz W115
52 Mercedes-Benz W116
52 BMW E36
52 Porsche 996
50 Volkswagen Typ 19E
49 Mercedes-Benz W123
48 Mercedes-Benz W124
48 BMW E34
48 Mercedes-Benz R107
46 Renault X48
Most common makes:
4012 Ford
2590 Chevrolet
1389 Mercedes-Benz
1250 Renault
1028 Cadillac
1014 Citroën
1010 Volkswagen
944 Peugeot
876 Dodge
803 BMW
764 Volvo
562 Lincoln
558 Pontiac
Models: (a little biased as for some ones model field is not always the same for a similar model)
330 Ford Crown Victoria
323 Ford Mustang
308 Chevrolet Impala
272 Chevrolet Caprice
174 Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse
174 Lincoln Town Car
146 Ford Econoline
138 Cadillac Deville
135 Land-Rover Range-Rover
134 Mercedes-Benz
134 Ford Thunderbird
125 Lincoln Town Car Stretched Limousine
121 Chevrolet Bel Air
121 Jeep Cherokee
276 Volkswagen Typ 1
84 Mercedes-Benz W220
83 Mercedes-Benz W126
79 BMW E30
73 Volkswagen Typ 2 / T2
69 Volkswagen Typ 17
65 Volkswagen Typ 2 / T1
62 Mercedes-Benz W140
59 Volkswagen Typ 14
53 Mercedes-Benz W115
52 Mercedes-Benz W116
52 BMW E36
52 Porsche 996
50 Volkswagen Typ 19E
49 Mercedes-Benz W123
48 Mercedes-Benz W124
48 BMW E34
48 Mercedes-Benz R107
46 Renault X48
Published 22/05/2006 @ 22:48:49, By antp
421 CHiPs 1977 4
229 The New Avengers 1976 4
180 The Persuaders! 1971 4
171 Top Gear 1978 4
170 Alarm für Cobra 11 ... 1996 4
164 Miami Vice 1984 4
131 The X Files 1993 4
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars 2001 2
123 20 Cars That Changed the World 2001 8
120 The Dukes of Hazzard 1979 4
116 Mitt hjärtas Malmö 2005 8
109 Alias 2001 4
104 The Sopranos 1999 4
101 Danger Man 1960 4
101 The Champions 1968 4
101 The Junkman 1982 0
96 Gone in 60 Seconds 1974 0
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring ... 1995 0
92 24 2001 4
92 Sous le soleil 1996 4
83 Knight Rider 1982 4
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds 2000 0
229 The New Avengers 1976 4
180 The Persuaders! 1971 4
171 Top Gear 1978 4
170 Alarm für Cobra 11 ... 1996 4
164 Miami Vice 1984 4
131 The X Files 1993 4
128 Clarkson's Top 100 Cars 2001 2
123 20 Cars That Changed the World 2001 8
120 The Dukes of Hazzard 1979 4
116 Mitt hjärtas Malmö 2005 8
109 Alias 2001 4
104 The Sopranos 1999 4
101 Danger Man 1960 4
101 The Champions 1968 4
101 The Junkman 1982 0
96 Gone in 60 Seconds 1974 0
92 Chris Barrie's Motoring ... 1995 0
92 24 2001 4
92 Sous le soleil 1996 4
83 Knight Rider 1982 4
80 Gone in Sixty Seconds 2000 0
0 = movie
2 = tv movie
4 = tv series
8 = doc
Latest Edition: 22/05/2006 @ 22:51:08
Published 25/05/2006 @ 21:16:37, By antp
755 or 775 probably, I guess it was a typo
Now there are 774 makes, but we added several ones with Top Gear so I suppose it is rather 755.

Now there are 774 makes, but we added several ones with Top Gear so I suppose it is rather 755.