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[done] AEC Regal in Genevieve, 1953
Published 11/11/2006 @ 02:21:12, By aecsouthall
HGF 855 is London Transport T765, a 1946 AEC Regal 0662 LT-type 14T12 with Weymann bodywork.

Kenneth More and the lovely Kay Kendall are in the yellow Spyker.
File: file_6167_ok.jpg ( 78.7 KB - 485 )

Latest Edition: 11/11/2006 @ 12:54:19
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(done) AEC Regal in Genevieve, 1953
Published 11/11/2006 @ 12:54:07, By garco
Please use [] with the done tag.
It's also usefull to post a message so everyone can see who have done it...
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[done] AEC Regal in Genevieve, 1953
Published 11/11/2006 @ 13:14:40, By aecsouthall
Forgive me, I'm new around here and the two from Genevieve were my first attempts at posting.

Do I have to put the [done] tag in somewhere? I assumed the tag meant a mod had put the picture attachment onto the database.

Sorry I don't understand your second point. I thought I had posted a message?

Look forward to your clarification.

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[done] AEC Regal in Genevieve, 1953
Published 11/11/2006 @ 13:36:06, By antp
It was not for you, aecsouthall :wink:
garco was saying that to the one that added your picture to imcdb.
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