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Published 28/01/2007 @ 09:29:09, By valiant1962
Have captured images from "The Princess Diaries", will post as soon as I resize and sort them [Done]. Will also capture images from "The Princess Diaries 2" [Done], and Australian film "Garage Days"

Latest Edition: 01/02/2007 @ 21:10:40

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Published 29/01/2007 @ 17:19:22, By Raul1983
Starsky and Hutch season two DVD should arrive soon...
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Published 03/02/2007 @ 20:23:54, By antp
I will finally continue the "Eureka" series, and start "The Lone Gunmen" series.
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Published 08/02/2007 @ 19:35:30, By DIEHARD
To make this list really useful, I think that all titles should be in the first message, so other people do not have to read all the old messages (especially useful when there will be multiple pages). What do you think?

Yes, that would be best. Shall we clean up the other messages in this topic and restrict it to 1 message per admin?
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Published 08/02/2007 @ 19:57:00, By antp
It would be better that forum moderators & G-MANN (as it is its messages the first one) update the first post with what the admins (& members) post in the next messages.
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Published 13/02/2007 @ 17:14:49, By antp
I added a summary in the first message, above G-MANN's message.
I think that it will make the whole thing easier to use.
Those that have moderator rights can update their list there directly. The others can ask me to be moderator here on the forum, or just post here and I'll update the first post.
In all cases it may be useful to add a message so we see that there is something new.
When you start to make pictures for a movie, if you know that you won't upload them directly (e.g. if you need few days) it may be a good idea to already create the movie page and post a comment on it, just in case of, so your work is not done for nothing is someone else starts to do the same thinking that you haven't watched the movie yet.

Latest Edition: 13/02/2007 @ 17:15:54
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Published 18/02/2007 @ 02:44:56, By wrenchhead
That is a good idea antp.
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Published 18/02/2007 @ 21:51:14, By Raul1983
Antoine, could you update this information to my post:

- Jeeves and Wooster is done

- my new project is now 'Kojak' season 1

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Published 18/02/2007 @ 22:34:12, By antp
updated :wink:
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Published 20/02/2007 @ 00:30:51, By bent8rover
[DONE 3 of the 6] I have the box set of Don Camillo films. I will contribute the remaining films not on IMCDB, if ok

Beiderbecke Affair, Episodes 1-3.
Beiderbecke Tapes.
The 50's and 60's in Colour, all three episodes.
Britain at War in Colour box set.
D-Day in Colour.
Kamakaze in Colour.
The missing images from Pillow Talk.
The missing images from Bull Durham
Hitchcock's Rear Window.
The Glory Boys.
Monty Python's Fliegender Zurkus.
The missing images from The Killing Fields page.
BBC TV series Our Friends in the North box set.
Giant Loads on the Move, documentary.
Earth vs The Flying Saucers
, TV doc
Robbie Coltrane's Planes And Automobiles, TV series

[DONE s2ep3] The Professionals TV series missing episodes, but these are VCR transfers so will see how good they can be. If someone wants to do episodes from DVD, please contact me so I don't waste the time :grin:

Likewise, the entire Clarkson's Motorworld series, and Clarkson's Car Years


Latest Edition: 01/06/2007 @ 01:17:42
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Published 28/02/2007 @ 10:09:58, By valiant1962
Found my VHS copy of the original "Punisher" movie starring Dolph Lundgren, filmed in Sydney. Will atempt to transfer it to DVD and get screen caps
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Published 07/03/2007 @ 19:21:46, By Ddey65
Do any of you know what else I'd like to see posted here(although I doubt there's much of a chance)?

Shoot the Moon
Quite a number of cars from the '60's, '70's and early-'80's in this one. Plus there's the legendary Dana Hill.

The Suite Life of Zack & Cody
Admittedly, there really aren't that many scenes with cars. In the episode "Cody Goes to Camp," you've got scenes with London Tipton trying to learn to drive in a BMW Z4, and occasionally you'll have scenes from a mall parking lot that's probably somewhere in Califonia, even though the show takes place in Boston, Massachusetts. Mostly you've got some CGI shots of cars & trucks whizzing by The Tipton Hotel, especially the frequent Ford Econoline E-450's converted into mini-buses.

Beavis and Butt-head(The Series)
Can't forget too many of those, especially Todd's 1973 Plymouth Duster.

The World of Henry Orient

You're a Big Boy Now

Up the Down Staircase

Three favorites of mine from the 1960's. All have cars & trucks in them, believe it or not.

And, there are others I can't really think of right now.

Latest Edition: 11/03/2007 @ 19:45:49
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Published 10/03/2007 @ 05:29:56, By valiant1962
Found my VHS copy of the original "Punisher" movie starring Dolph Lundgren, filmed in Sydney. Will attempt to transfer it to DVD and get screen caps

Have made a DVD of the VHS so I can now start to get some screen caps. The company I worked for when this was made supplied four Ford F100s that used to be ambulances for the filming. They were used as prison vans. Also featured Australian built Chrysler Valiants as US police cars.

Latest Edition: 10/03/2007 @ 05:31:59
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Published 16/03/2007 @ 17:59:23, By stronghold

[DONE s2ep3] The Professionals TV series episodes, but these are VCR transfers so will see how good they can be. If someone wants to do episodes from DVD, please contact me so I don't waste the time :grin:

I have got all four series on original DVD box sets, but have been waiting to see if Bebert was going to continue with this series.!
I'll do these from dvd in the near future if bebert is not doing anymore :confused:
bent8rover, It's not worth you adding vcr pics if they're going to be upgraded by dvd. don't waste your time :wink:
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Published 16/03/2007 @ 19:24:10, By Bebert
I just have added the episodes where I was knowing there were Triumph. Now it's finish for me. Let's go stronghold! :wink:
(Hope you'll understand my too bad english)
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Coming Soon...
Published 17/03/2007 @ 01:24:50, By stronghold
I just have added the episodes where I was knowing there were Triumph. Now it's finish for me. Let's go stronghold! :wink:
(Hope you'll understand my too bad english)

Okay, Thanks.!
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Published 20/03/2007 @ 13:54:37, By Ddey65
I mentioned The Fisher King on that thread about Fords. Is anybody going to post screengrabs from that?

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Coming Soon...
Published 28/03/2007 @ 20:00:29, By bent8rover
I'll do these from dvd in the near future if bebert is not doing anymore.
bent8rover, It's not worth you adding vcr pics if they're going to be upgraded by dvd. don't waste your time :wink:

Cheers Stronghold. Please note my Contributions entry
I did this one some time ago, as it has the rare Paprika-coloured Rover 3500s just like mine :grin: ....but the tape quality is shocking.
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Published 01/04/2007 @ 17:28:03, By Ddey65
I already menitoned The Fisher King , now here are some other titles I'd like to see clips from:

Max Keeble's Big Move
School buses, a short Chevrolet Step Van(P-10 or P-20), a huge tractor and few other vehicles. UPDATE: All vehilcles that were mentioned here have been sent.

Ben 10
For Grandpa Max's GMC Motorhome from the mid-1970's. UPDATE(January 13, 2009): This and one other submitted by marioman3138 in June 2008.( ).

Beyond Red singing on her bike, there are also Mid-1950's Ford Police Cars, and a fairly contemporary(1960's-70's) schnitzel truck. BOTH SENT.

Ex-Driver(not on IMDb yet)
Quite a number of contemporary vehicles mixed in with those made-for-TV artifical intelligence cars.

UPDATE(April 24, 2007): IMDb has it now:

UPDATE(March 10, 2008): All but one vehicle added.

National Lampoon's Senior Trip
Kevin McDonald's 1974 Chevrolet Caprice Classic Convertible, which turns into a 1971 Chevrolet after it crashes, Red's school bus, and other vehicles too.

UPDATE(May 10, 2007): I found out you've alread got it, so skip that one.

Senior Trip
For no other purpose than to distingush it from National Lampoon's attempt to recapture it's former glory.

Eat My Dust
The car-chase movie Ron Howard did before "Grand Theft Auto."

Mother, Jugs & Speed
Bill Cosby driving around in a customized ambulance.Most vehicles added.

The Mighty
For some reason, I thought you already had that movie. Anyway, there are an array of vehicles in here that I'll list some other time.All vehicles added.

If I think of more, I'll pass them along. Otherwise there's simply a list of vehicles that I'd like to see turn up on the site, regardless of what movie or TV show they were in.

Latest Edition: 01/12/2009 @ 00:19:16
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Published 14/05/2007 @ 21:05:53, By Alexander
I only just noticed this topic.

I have a few movies and series in the pipeline, so I better list them here:

"I've started so I'll finish", to quote Magnús Magnússon:

11 seasons with 251 episodes ... but not too many vehicles. I have all episodes on DVD, so a few more images will follow.
[40 episodes listed so far]

Twin Peaks
So far I have only listed the pilot episode. More will follow, as I now have the complete DVD set.


Films listed individually, that in the future could be grouped:

Laurel & Hardy [58 film checked for cars so far]
Dirty Work
Busy Bodies
The Finishing Touch
They Go Boom!
Be Your Age
Be Big!
Laughing Gravy
Bonnie Scotland
The Big Noise
A-Haunting We Will Go
The Bullfighters

Some might have no cars at all.

Charlie Chaplin
A Woman
The Bank
The Count
The Pawn Shop
The Rink
Behind the Screen
The Floorwalker
The Fireman
By the Sea
The Immigrant
A Night in the Show
The Adventurer {listed, possibly more cars}
Easy Street
The Cure
Tillie's Punctured Romance {listed, possibly more cars}

Again some might show no cars.

Buster Keaton
Cops {listed, more cars to add}
The Scarecrow
The Boat
One Week
The Play House
The Paleface
The Ballooniac / The Balloonatic {listed, possibly more cars}
The Frozen North
The Electric House

Again those with cars only.

Fyrtårnet og Bivognen (Pat & Patachon) -- FINISHED
Film, flirt og forlovelse
Sol, sommer og studiner
Mellem muntre musikanter
Vore venners vinter
Daarskab, dyd og driverter
Lille Lise let-paa-taa
Professor Petersens plejebørn
Raske Riviera rejsende
Ole Opfinders offer -- no cars in it!
Takt, tone og tosser
Polis Paulus' påskasmäll -- no cars in it!
Grønkøbings glade gavtyve
Ulvejægerne -- no cars in it!
Dødsbokseren -- no cars in it!
Don Quixote -- no cars in it!
Vester Vov-Vov
Kongen af Pelikanien
Kraft og skønhed
Filmens helte -- no cars in it!
Kys, klap og kommers
Hallo, Afrika forude
Alf's Carpet / The Rocket Bus
Højt paa en kvist
Hr. Tell og søn
Pas paa pigerne
Krudt med knald
I kantonnement -- no cars in it!
Han, hun og Hamlet
I de gode, gamle dage -- no cars in it!

More than expected had cars ... rare ones, too!

Olsen-Banden på spanden -- listed
Olsen-Banden i Jylland -- listed
Olsen-Bandens store kup -- listed
Olsen-Banden går amok -- listed
Olsen-Bandens sidste bedrifter
Olsen-Banden på sporet
Olsen-Banden ser rødt -- listed
Olsen-Banden deruda' {listed, no cars yet}
Olsen-Banden går i krig -- listed
Olsen-Banden overgiver sig aldrig -- listed
Olsen-Bandens flugt over plankeværket -- listed
Olsen-Banden over alle bjerge -- listed
Olsen-Bandens sidste stik -- listed
Olsen Banden Junior
Min søsters børn

Some were already listed by others. If you have them go ahead.

Prescription: Murder {listed, more cars to add}
Ransom for a Dead Man
Murder by the Book -- listed
Death Lends a Hand -- listed
Dead Weight -- listed
Suitable for Framing -- listed
Lady in Waiting -- listed
Short Fuse -- listed
Blueprint for Murder -- listed
Étude in Black -- listed
The Greenhouse Jungle
The Most Crucial Game -- listed
Dagger of the Mind -- listed
Requiem for a Falling Star -- listed
A Stitch in Crime
The Most Dangerous Match -- listed
Double Shock -- listed
Lovely But Lethal -- listed
Any Old Port in a Storm {listed, no cars yet}
Candidate for Crime -- listed
Double Exposure -- listed
Publish or Perish
Mind Over Mayhem -- listed
Swan Song
A Friend in Deed -- listed
An Exercise in Fatality -- listed
Negative Reaction
By Dawn's Early Light -- listed
Troubled Waters
Playback -- listed
A Deadly State of Mind -- listed
Forgotten Lady
A Case Of Immunity -- listed
Identity Crisis -- listed
A Matter Of Honor -- listed
Now You See Him -- listed
Last Salute To The Commodore -- listed
Fade in to Murder -- listed
Old Fashioned Murder -- listed
The Bye Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case
Try and Catch Me -- listed
Murder Under Glass
Make Me a Perfect Murder -- listed
How to Dial a Murder -- listed
The Conspirators

These are all the films from 1968-78. Most of those have already been added.
If you have one, don't wait for me!


Series I have on DVD, which are not yet (completely) listed.
If no-one else has them, I could list the following (time allowing):

The A-Team -- Seasons 1-5 (98 Episodes) - complete -- partly listed
Fawlty Towers -- Seasons 1+2 (12 Episodes) - complete -- partly listed
Home Improvement -- Season 3 (25 Episodes) - of 8 Seasons (205 Eps.) -- partly listed
The King of Queens -- Seasons 1-4 (100 Episodes) - of 9 Seasons (207 Eps.) -- partly listed
Kojak -- Season 1 (22 Episodes) - of 6 Seasons (126 Eps.) -- all of first season but pilot listed
Magnum P.I. -- Season 1 and 6 (39 Episodes) - of 8 Seasons (162 Eps.) -- few vehicles listed
Monk -- Seasons 1-5 (77 Episodes) - of 7 Seasons, still running -- partly listed
Mr. Bean -- Season 1 (14 Episodes + 2 Extras) - complete -- partly listed
Northern Exposure -- Seasons 1+2 (15 Episodes) - of 6 Seasons (110 Eps.) -- partly listed
Poirot -- Seasons 1-4 (36 Episodes) - of 14 Seasons, still running -- partly listed
Police Squad! -- Season 1 (6 Episodes) - complete -- partly listed
The Professionals -- Seasons 1+3 (28 Episodes) - of 5 Seasons (57 Eps.) -- listed
Quincy M.E. -- Seasons 1+2 (17 Episodes) - of 8 Seasons (148 Eps.) -- partly listed
Space: 1999 -- Seasons 1+2 (48 Episodes) - complete -- only one vehicle listed
The Thin Blue Line -- Seasons 1+2 (14 Episodes) - complete
Traffic -- three-part miniseries

Blackadder Goes Forth -- Season 4 (6 Episodes) of the Blackadder series, which is the only season that possibly shows vehicles

Raumpatrouille Orion — Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion -- In the first episode a ground conveyor can be seen in the background. If I find an identifiable capture I will add the series.

The Return of Sherlock Holmes — The Sign of Four -- A traction engine can just be seen. The other episodes have no vehicles except trains, boats and horse carriages.
The episodes in The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes show no classifiable vehicle at all.


I will name only a few films that you might like to look forward to:

La Antena
Bad Boys {listed, more cars to add}
The Defiant Ones
Den gode strømer
Dinner at Eight -- no cars in it!
Don Juan DeMarco
Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler - Ein Bild der Zeit
Frankenstein -- no cars in it!
Bride of Frankenstein -- no cars in it!
The Glass Bottom Boat
I Confess
I Kina spiser de hunde
King Kong (1933)
M — Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder
The Man in the White Suit
The Peacemaker
The Petrified Forest
San ging chaat goo si -- will be listed by Antoine
The Wild Geese -- I was too slow!
Trois Hommes et un Couffin
Windtalkers {listed, more cars to add}

I have not yet seen all, so some might show no vehicles at all.

I have some more films on LaserDisc and Video, but have not made any captures so far. A few film might still be interesting:

C'era una volta in America
The Fisher King
Pink Floyd — The Wall
Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead {listed, more cars to add}

... to name but a few.

Plus a few interesting historical documentaries.

If you like to list any of these films, go ahead. I still have a couple of hundred others ... which will keep me posting for the next decade or two! :wink:

Best treat the list above as a To-Do list for all of us.

If you are waiting for a film, let me know -- the chances are not too bad that I have it. :grin:

Latest Edition: 25/07/2008 @ 22:12:39
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Published 14/05/2007 @ 22:24:36, By antp
I have "San ging chaat goo si" ("New Police Story" - for such movie it is interesting to include a translated title :D), I'll add pictures in the next days as I indicated on the movie page. Except if someone has the DVD and does it before me.

As I said previously somewhere, I have SVCD of "Max Keeble's Big Move" so if nobody has a better version I'll add picture some day.

Latest Edition: 14/05/2007 @ 22:25:44
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