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Published 22/02/2007 @ 04:02:30, By Neptune
I know this is way off topic… :boggled: but I was wondering does any one here use the "Open SUSE Linux 10.2 Operating System" on their PC??? If so how do you like it???

I’m thinking about putting it on my home PC, but then again I'm a bit wary of doing so, as my home PC runs MS Windows, and I use a lot of MS applications to do my work with.

I don’t use Linux hardly any, and I want to learn how to use it. Also a from what I have read "Open SUSE Linux 10.2" is more sound and secure than Windows, less prone to bugs and viruses and its free… is this right???

Latest Edition: 22/02/2007 @ 04:03:02
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Published 22/02/2007 @ 10:11:29, By antp
This is true for most of the Linux distributions actually.
I think that for a first test you could try a "live CD", i.e. a Linux distribution that runs from the CD without installing anything on the harddisk. So you do not lose anything if finally you do not like it.
An even more interesting solution is this:
You just need an USB key on which you will install a Linux version. it is faster than the CD, and it can be modified once loaded, which is easier for really working with it.
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Published 22/02/2007 @ 23:11:08, By Neptune
Thanks' :smile:
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