Misc » Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 01/08/2007 @ 22:54:42, By MBSL65fan
I'll have to vote, The Pacer.

Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 01/08/2007 @ 23:10:36, By wrenchhead
Fiat 500 but the Jolly
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 01/08/2007 @ 23:18:26, By G-MANN
The Ford Festiva, Renault 5, Geo Metro and especially the Yugo are all shitboxes and don't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the other cars you've listed. I vote for the Pacer.
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 01/08/2007 @ 23:45:20, By antp
I do not see why the Renault 5 would be listed with the Festiva/Metro/Yugo
It was a good car for its category. I think that its only major default is that it rusted so quickly (well, for the first model), but that was the same for all cars of that era.

It was a good car for its category. I think that its only major default is that it rusted so quickly (well, for the first model), but that was the same for all cars of that era.
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 02/08/2007 @ 00:26:27, By G-MANN
Alright, but you can't say the Yugo isn't a shitbox.
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 02/08/2007 @ 19:20:15, By MBSL65fan
For those who don't know the Subaru:
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 04/08/2007 @ 05:43:05, By MBSL65fan
I don't know if they've been known to be "junk". When I was a toddler my mom had a Mercury Topaz and it was a good car. That automatic seatbelt entertained me a bit.
It's just that I once accidentally spilled a 1 gallon bottle of water all over the back seat.
You'll have to vote for the Festiva.

Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 04/08/2007 @ 20:10:14, By wrenchhead
That automatic seatbelt entertained me a bit.

I once had a toyota that had an automatic seatbelt. I was tinkering with the lights one day and just reached in the drivers window to turn on the ignition. Damn seatbelt nearly took my head off.

Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 04/08/2007 @ 23:30:43, By MBSL65fan
The good thing is that they're no longer made.

Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 05/08/2007 @ 00:22:33, By wickey
LOL how did that thing worked (automatic seatbelt)? Never saw one of those..
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 05/08/2007 @ 00:59:03, By Hecubus
LOL how did that thing worked (automatic seatbelt)? Never saw one of those..
It was split into two pieces. The lap belt was a conventional seatbelt you had to put on yourself, but the belt that went across your chest was connected to a motorized attachment that went around the window frame. I had them on my old Escort, and even if they didn't make much sense, they were kinda cool, in a gimmicky kinda way.
Oh, I voted for the Geo Metro. I'm certain they had a mildly sporty version which was fairly well regarded (I'm certain the Suzuki Swift had one so that's close enough).
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 05/08/2007 @ 04:32:44, By MBSL65fan
LOL how did that thing worked (automatic seatbelt)?
This is an example:
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 05/08/2007 @ 04:42:02, By MBSL65fan
I'm certain they had a mildly sporty version which was fairly well regarded (I'm certain the Suzuki Swift had one so that's close enough).
And a convertible too.

Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 05/08/2007 @ 18:06:52, By wickey
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 06/08/2007 @ 02:31:57, By qwerty_86
GMs had automatic seatbelts too. The problem was they were not motorized and people thought it was a regular seatbelt. You know those cars with the seatbelts mounted on the doors? Well, they're suppose to be buckled in all the time so when you open the door, you just slide in and shut the door. It's very awkward. If the door popped open in and accident, you're pretty much screwed.
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 30/09/2007 @ 09:29:17, By crazyforcars12
I just can't say no to a renault 5
Latest Edition: 20/11/2007 @ 07:40:08
Latest Edition: 20/11/2007 @ 07:40:08
Poll: Ugly / junk cars
Published 30/09/2007 @ 14:55:39, By antp
Yes it rusts fast, but that's like many of cars of the 70s.