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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 20:26:54, By G-MANN

This car was used at my uncle's wedding about 12 or so years ago. It looks like some kind of slightly stretched Chrysler, but when I was younger I thought it was a Cadillac. At the time people seemed quite impressed by this American limo (though it doesn't look like much compared to the limos around these days), the best man joked "I heard a pair Elvis Presley's underparts were found in it!"

Latest Edition: 29/08/2007 @ 20:37:24
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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 20:35:59, By G-MANN
From the DVLA site:

The vehicle details for Q375 WTN are:

Date of Liability 01 01 2008
Date of First Registration 15 09 1992
Year of Manufacture Not Available
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 3100CC
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type Petrol
Export Marker Not Applicable
Vehicle Status SORN Not Due
Vehicle Colour BLUE
Vehicle Type Approval null
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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 21:37:04, By qwerty_86
Appears to be an '82-'84 Chrysler New Yorker/E-Class with the Turbo 2.2L I4.
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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 21:40:28, By G-MANN
Well this car has a 3.1 litre engine.
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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 21:41:54, By qwerty_86
I don't believe that come stock. Someone had to put in a larger engine. It's not hard since the Dynasty/New Yorker had the larger engine and they're all based on the K-Car.

Latest Edition: 29/08/2007 @ 21:42:30
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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 21:46:24, By G-MANN
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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 21:49:40, By G-MANN
Maybe this is the same car (although I can't remember what the rear looked like):
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What is this limo?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 21:53:24, By G-MANN
Yes, I believe it's called a Chrysler Executive Limousine.

Production run was 1983-1986 (the first and last years were only limited production), 1700 were made (including 2 prototypes made in 1982). Although none of them came with a 3.1 litre engine, just a 2.2 and a 2.6 litre. I don't know the exact year of the one in the picture (an import) but it wasn't registered in the UK until 1992. It uses that special Q-reg plate (given to vehicles of indeterminate age and origin) instead of a K-reg (1992-93) Apparentely it's still on the road today.

Latest Edition: 29/08/2007 @ 22:14:52
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What is this limo?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 00:21:06, By qwerty_86
Eh, I was close. It is a Chrysler Executive Limo. I'd say it's an '83/'84 because I believe the front fascia was restyled in '85 along with the other Chrysler offerings (Lebaron, etc.)
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What is this limo?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 02:54:07, By MBSL65fan
It's a Chrysler for sure. Somewhere in the mid to late 80's.
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 14:47:12, By Leoz
Yep, '84 Chrysler, I think...
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 15:04:19, By G-MANN
It's already been identified, so why are people saying "uhhh, I think it's an 80s Chrysler". :kiki:

Latest Edition: 04/09/2007 @ 15:04:54
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 15:05:31, By Leoz
Sorry! I'm new here dude! have a nice day! :smile:
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 15:20:43, By G-MANN
That's OK, are you enjoying the site?
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 16:49:18, By Leoz
Yeah! Know how I can submit pics to films?
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 17:06:10, By antp
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 17:09:37, By Leoz
Thanks! I already did one a while back In the Contributions. It's the 'Blair Witch 2 Book of Shadows' one. Have I got it right?
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 18:05:45, By antp
I'll reply on your topic :wink:
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What is this limo?
Published 04/09/2007 @ 18:51:35, By Leoz
Cheers Pal!
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