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The taxi-thread
Published 15/03/2008 @ 20:19:39, By MBSL65fan
How were you able to find the Grand Marquis and the Caprice from the 80's?

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The taxi-thread
Published 15/03/2008 @ 21:38:36, By taxiguy
I just saw them driving around while I was exploring DC. I almost had a freaking heart attack when I saw the old Caprice. I mean that thing is 22+ years old, and it's still in service! In New York it's rare to see a cab more than five years old, but 22! I mean it's simply amazing that it hasn't fallen apart, it must have at least 300,000 miles on it being that old.

Latest Edition: 15/03/2008 @ 21:40:17
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The taxi-thread
Published 17/04/2008 @ 09:24:26, By marioman3138
In Victoria, Australia the taxis are yellow and are Falcons, commodores, Statesmens, fairlanes and the odd camry. while on holiday in NZ, in Wellington i saw a Nissan MAxima, Ford Falcon, Holden Commodore, Toyota Camry, Toyota Aurion, Volvo V70, BMW 330i, Toyta Prius and a Ford Fairlane
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The taxi-thread
Published 30/04/2008 @ 21:35:44, By taxiguy
and the odd camry.

What is odd about a Camry? :confused:
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The taxi-thread
Published 01/05/2008 @ 08:08:45, By marioman3138
nothing is ood about the camry, there just isn't many of them.
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The taxi-thread
Published 04/05/2008 @ 23:14:31, By taxiguy
Do you think you could possibly get a picture of one? I would love to see one as I love both Camry's and taxis :grin:
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The taxi-thread
Published 04/05/2008 @ 23:44:12, By CarChasesFanatic
Seing you like taxis as much, dont you collect pictures of taxis of the world? you'd get many models repeated but you could still see the decorations on each country.
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The taxi-thread
Published 05/05/2008 @ 09:42:50, By marioman3138
taxiguy-I'll ask my dad to get a few photos for you, but the taxis are new ones, just so you know.
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The taxi-thread
Published 06/05/2008 @ 04:36:37, By taxiguy
taxiguy-I'll ask my dad to get a few photos for you, but the taxis are new ones, just so you know.

How new? Do you mean only the 2007+ generation or are there ones of the previous (2002-2006) generation also? Although I do not like the 2007+ generation, I am quite fond of the 2002-2006 generation. Of course my favorite gen for Camrys is the 1987-1991 generation, but I doubt you'll be seeing any of those as taxis :grin:

Btw, I recently discovered that for a few years (1989-1997), Holden made a down-market re-baged version of the Camry for the Australian market called the "Apollo". It came in such strange colors such as bright red and yellow :tongue: I find it quite silly looking with those dinky little Austrailian bumpers :grin: (I guess you don't have as rigorous crash requierments as we have here in the US)
Just so you can see what I mean, here's a picture of my dad's 1988 Camry's rear bumper:

And here's a picture of an Apollo's rear bumper :grin:

Seing you like taxis as much, dont you collect pictures of taxis of the world? you'd get many models repeated but you could still see the decorations on each country.

I would like to, but I am far from a "world traveler" (the only other country I've been to is Canada :grin: ) and therefore have no way to get such pictures. :sad: However I do try to take pictures of taxis whenever I go to a different city such as New York, Washigton DC. or Detroit. I have already posted many pictures of New York and DC cabs, but it appears I never posted any of my pictures from Detroit trip I took a couple months ago. I might as well post them now, as I did get quite a few good ones. (Ford guy, you might enjoy looking at these, as many of them are former P71 cop cars)

A line of taxis downtown

A 2001+ Crown Victoria

A 1999-2000 Crown Victoria (with bumper trim painted over)

A 1995-1997 Crown Victoria (clearly a former NYC cab :love: )

Also, I went back to my own town's taxi garage and took a couple more pictures:

Latest Edition: 06/05/2008 @ 04:39:41
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The taxi-thread
Published 06/05/2008 @ 09:19:14, By marioman3138
taxiguy-I think its 02-06 gen, If you want, I can get my dad to get photos of Melbourne taxis
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The taxi-thread
Published 06/05/2008 @ 09:28:51, By marioman3138
The Apollo and the Camary were sold at the same time, during the 'Button car plan'. More information at
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The taxi-thread
Published 06/05/2008 @ 20:47:29, By ingo
I always like to travel around and I've been in a lot of countries, but I cannot remember all the taxis, I've been in. O.k., some special ones I can remember. For me as a German, "special" means everything except a Mercedes Benz.

For example:

- Gran Canaria 1996: a perfect Mercedes 200 D W 123 with original 1.5 million kilometres

- Israel 1997: brand new VW Polo Classic

- Tunisia 1993: Peugeot 404

- Egypt 2001: Peugeot 504

The Egyptian and Tunisian taxis belonged to the class of the legendary taxis, you can see pic in the Net.

- New York 2003: Ford Crown Victoria.
I beg the (Indian) driver for pardon, that I took his taxi. I didn't know, how short the distance from the Port Authority Bus Station to the Hotel Milford Plaza was...
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The taxi-thread
Published 06/05/2008 @ 20:52:25, By ingo
But now, since we've bought a house, my hobby travelling went to the background. :sad:

But I couldn't take pictures of taxis, too by travelling. Except the usual impressions, I was busy to take pic of police-cars (for my brother-in-law) and pharmacies (for my sister).

@taxiguy: even Canada can be a strange and dangerous place:

Latest Edition: 06/05/2008 @ 20:56:26
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The taxi-thread
Published 09/05/2008 @ 13:16:58, By marioman3138
taxiguy-the pictures have their own topic in misc "pictures for taxiguy"
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The taxi-thread
Published 12/08/2008 @ 22:28:31, By ingo
Last weekend I've been to a short trip to Edinburgh/Scotland. There I've seen, that it seems, that annother old typical British topic fells apart - the classic taxi.

The old Austin FX are totally disapperead, their successors with newer technic, but (quite) similar design are still popular - but I've seen more and more -always brand new- Peugeot "E7" (that body I haven't seen anywhere else than in Edinburgh). And the Mercedes Vito seems to getting popular, too.
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The taxi-thread
Published 12/08/2008 @ 22:44:03, By taxiguy
Last weekend I've been to a short trip to Edinburgh/Scotland.

Did you happen to go to the "Fringe Festival"? :grin: You have probably never even heard of it, but there's a chance you might know of it. Anyway my high school's theatre group is there right now, they were selected to represent the US in the festival. I would have gone too as I am in theatre, but my family doesn't have enough money to send me :sad:
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The taxi-thread
Published 13/08/2008 @ 18:29:06, By ingo
The activities of the Fringe Festival we only have seen partly "by the side". The main reason for us to go there was the "Military Tattoo".
My wife an me are Scotland-fans, and we like the original "pipes and drums"-music, too.

It's funny, if you are stuck in the traffic, when you start a "pipes-and-drums"-CD in your stereo (by open windows for sure).
The guys besides you, who let some Rap- or House-junk running loudly (or some Turkish stuff), are always very irritated. :grin:
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The taxi-thread
Published 29/08/2008 @ 21:18:12, By ingo
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The taxi-thread
Published 29/08/2008 @ 21:35:58, By atom
A friend studied in Gothenburg, Sweden. One day he got drunk and had to take a taxi home, he noticed that the driver took a strange way do get to his place. He understood that the driver were making detours to make the trip longer to get more money. So when they were close to he apartmeant building my friend jumped off on a redlight and ran home, he didn't want to pay a crook like that!

Latest Edition: 29/08/2008 @ 22:02:41
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The taxi-thread
Published 29/08/2008 @ 21:59:45, By ingo
A lot of taxi-drivers in Germany are immigrants, and several of them illegal ones. Also it's popular to drive illegally taxi, while getting social welfare for the same time.

There are razzia's, organized by the police and the finance-and-tax-authorities (as on big building areas or foreign restaurants, too).
Once suddenly they closed the whole taxi-lanes and -parking-lots at the Hamburg Airport, to control the driver's for their papers and permissions.
No joke, a plenty of taxi-drivers jumped out of the cars, over the fence and run away. So the police-investigators stand on a big parking-lane with a few dozens abandoned taxis. Must be a strange view :smile:

The cars were later picked up by the company-owners. Naturally they couldn't help the police with indentifying the escaped drivers. "Eeeh, I wasn't driving, a friend of my brother-in-law has helped me, because I'm ill. I'm very sorry, but I forgot his address" and so on...

Latest Edition: 29/08/2008 @ 22:04:52
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The taxi-thread
Published 29/08/2008 @ 22:22:13, By ingo
But I've made nice experiences, too. You cannot say, that all taxi-drivers are crooks.

At my autodriveaway-trip across the USA in 1993, I also had to take some taxis, to reach the next autodriveaway-office. In one town (St.Paul, I guess), we both coulnd't find the address (a typical US-street with one number, crossing the whole town, but with several breaks).

The driver said "Sorry, it's my fault. I have to know the addresses in my town. I'll switch off the taxameter now and drive you for free until we have found it".

Annother, quite nice, taxi-experience of my Israel-/Jordan-trip was the taxi-driver in Aquaba at the Red Sea.
( )
With annother German couple we've arranged a day-complete-price to bring us to Petra. The driver was recommended by the owner of a diving-club (a cousin, surely). Next morning, at the exact, fixed time he stand in front of our hotel.
He brought us on nice roads (not on the fast, but boring "desert highway" between Amman and Saudi-Arabia) to Petra, has showed us a few sights and finally he had also arranged nice rooms for reliable prices in a clean hotel in Petra (owned by his brother, for sure).
This taxi-driver had helped to bring me two great days, two of the most impressive and greates days of my life!
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