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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 09/05/2008 @ 12:10:40, By marioman3138
taxiguy, these are for you!
Camary taxi
Camary taxi
Falcon taxi
'88? Camry (same as your Dad's?)
Chevy Caprice NYPD Patrol Car 1:43
Chevy Caprice Calafornia Highway Patrol Car 1:43
Chevy Caprice Calafornia Patrol Car 1:43
Crown Vic? NY taxi 1:64
'95 Mustang? NY police car 1:64
Crown Vic taxi 1:64
Crown Vic taxi (same as previous)

The green roof means the amount off time the taxi can be used (late afternoon and night-time, yellow roof can be used all the time).

Hope you like these!

Latest Edition: 09/05/2008 @ 12:11:36
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 10/05/2008 @ 01:01:24, By taxiguy
Wonderful pictures! Thank you! And yes, that is the same as my dad's Camry, nice find! Same color even, and in quite good condition too. Although the second Camry taxi doesn't look like a Camry at all :confused: it looks a lot more like an Avavlon...
Are those your model cars by the way? They're quite nice, I have a few like those too, including a 1996 Caprice NYC Taxi and an NYPD 1997 Crown Victoria patrol car, both 1:24 scale.

Latest Edition: 10/05/2008 @ 01:06:48
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 10/05/2008 @ 06:33:34, By marioman3138
Yes taxiguy, those models are mine. I think my dad said one of the taxis was an Avavlon, so it probaly is. I got a 1:34 Chevy Caprice police car today, to modify into my slot car.
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 11/05/2008 @ 04:47:07, By marioman3138
has quite good images, including NY Camry taxi!
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 11/05/2008 @ 06:33:33, By taxiguy
has quite good images, including NY Camry taxi!

Yes, I have looked at that site many times. I don't really care for the current Camry that much, so seeing them as NYC taxis doesn't really do much for me. Besides, any NYC taxi that is not a Crown Victoria is simply not worthy in my opinion :oh:
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 11/05/2008 @ 06:43:52, By marioman3138
Ahh, I thought you would have.
A Camry taxi in Dubai

taxiguy, cars in Australia last for longer than cars in the USA, that Camry is worth maybe $500-$1000 dollars depending on engine, interior and rego.
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 11/05/2008 @ 07:29:32, By taxiguy

Nice. A 2005-2006 model

taxiguy, cars in Australia last for longer than cars in the USA, that Camry is worth maybe $500-$1000 dollars depending on engine, interior and rego.

Not entierly true. It depends what part of the US you're in. If you are refering to body rust, cars last longer in places like California and Florida than places up here where there is snow like Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, etc... Also, you could sell an old Camry for much more than $1000 here if it were in as good of condition as the one you took a picture of (that is if you are refering to the white one that looks like my dad's) My dad bought his for $900, but the seller was asking $1200 origionally. Plus, although ours has a good body (it is from origionally from California) it has lot of miles and a not-so-good engine, which makes it worth a less. If it had low miles, a good running engine, and a good body, it could be easily sold for $1500+
Although I guess AU dollars are different than American dollars so the comparison isn't really equal...

If you ever see any nice Holden Caprices (especially the current generation ones) could you get pics of them for me? Plus if you see any Holden Appolo's could you get pics of them too? You can just add them to this forum topic. I'd appricate it greatly. Thank you!

Also what is "rego"? I'm not familiar with that term, maybe it's an Australian saying?
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 11/05/2008 @ 08:13:36, By marioman3138
rego is registration ie: how many months is left on it. I'll try to get pictures, maybe go to the train station and have a look.
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 16/05/2008 @ 12:16:26, By marioman3138
taxiguy-my dad got these Holden Appolo pictures on his phone, so they are poor quality, better ones soon!
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 16/05/2008 @ 21:28:05, By taxiguy
Very nice, thank you. He got one of both generations I see. I assume they are relatively common there?
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 17/05/2008 @ 00:49:46, By marioman3138
Not as common as Commodores of the era, but yes, the older gen is about the same as the Camrary, the newer a bit less
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 18/05/2008 @ 03:57:41, By taxiguy
Those are high! 800,000 km. holy crap! :crazy:

Latest Edition: 18/05/2008 @ 03:58:08
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Pictures for taxiguy
Published 20/05/2008 @ 18:26:45, By Leoz
Very good cabs! I miss Checkers though, like the Marathon.

Latest Edition: 21/05/2008 @ 20:18:08
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