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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 10/12/2008 @ 22:47:35, By atom
Maybe I should go back there :figti:

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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 10/12/2008 @ 23:28:02, By marioman3138
they are nice photos-I wonder how long those cars have been sitting there...
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 14/12/2008 @ 08:49:55, By BlackIce_GTS
Old junkyard in Kaufdorf, Switzerland. Not only well photographed, but the story behind it is explained for once.

Should I keep posting stuff from Jalopnik, or does everyone else read it too?
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 14/12/2008 @ 21:23:19, By ingo
Ah, yes, the place in Kaufdorf/CH. It's well known by junkyard-fans and alos known since decades by Swiss old-car-freaks.
In the last 1,2 years you have heard more about this junkyard, because the owner has started to convert it as a art-museum with art-installations and wooden made stepyards in 3 m height. At least, because it's the only chance to hold this place longer.

A few months ago I talked with a Swiss K 70-friend about it. Surely, he knows the place and the owner. Since around 15 years he discusses with the owner, to pick up one "Ovali"-Beetle, but he weren't never successful. The fight between the junkyard-owner and the local administration went now over 25 years.

But you must note, that the bullheaded junkyard-owner has principal reasons to be against the administration.
He don't need the money, he has earned enough during the years. The people have paid to bring the old cars, other people have paid for getting parts. Because the wrecks were'nt brought away, he hadn't to pay for dumping the rest.
Sure, a lot of oil and fuel was leaking into the ground, but he don't care about that.

Since some years, the owner hadn't sold any more cars and parts. He was getting rich enough. he main reason for him, to hold this yrad, is just to win the fight against the authorities.
Obviously the prototype of an old-style, stubborn "Schrotti" (German slang for a junk-yard-owner).

O.K., nice for old-car-lovers, because such sceneries were getting lost in Europe the last 15/20 years for about 99%.
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 14/12/2008 @ 21:27:43, By ingo
P.S. In my first posting in this thread, there is one of the youtubes about this place.
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 14/12/2008 @ 21:36:35, By ingo
This guy has lost against the local authorities:

Nowadays it's just a boring car-recycler with paved ground, correctly organized as the EU-laws are demanding.

Until the year 2000 it was looking like this:

He was pressed by the politics and courthouse to pave the ground and removal all wrecks, standing on natural ground. So in the year 2000 around 3000 wrecks of cars between the 50ies and early 80ies were crushed within a few short weeks.

P.S.Since a while I'm trying to push my friend Martin, the "tinhunter" to make a CD with all the photos, he had shot there (indeed around 3000 pics!). When the CD will be ready, I'll tell you.
Of this place
the CD is completed. If anyone is interested in a copy, just send me a mail.

Latest Edition: 14/12/2008 @ 21:43:51
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 26/02/2009 @ 18:02:03, By ingo
@atom, @DAF555: do you know that place?:
My friend "tinhunter" asked for details and a Swedish friend has translated it. He said, that this place shall be staying unknown, but the guys found out, that it's in the small village of Östana (between Akersberga and Nörrtälje), not far away from Stockholm.

Latest Edition: 26/02/2009 @ 18:17:15
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 26/02/2009 @ 20:32:26, By ingo
And the next Swedish junkyard. As "tinhunter" hast just told me, this one is still in use:
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 27/02/2009 @ 00:15:39, By Animatronixx
I have another one - for the Cadillac lovers.

This is a webpage I made up many years ago, when my former principal business partner intended to sell all these vehicles for parting them out. I don't know what happened to these cars.

Translation of the text: "blah, blah, blah... Cadillac... blah, blah... emotional... blah... for sale... blah, blah... on request... blaaah!" :roll:
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/02/2009 @ 00:25:35, By IRT_BMT_IND
Some abandoned cars
70s Honda Civic. This was stored in a lot owned by a Honda dealer
AMC-Jeep-Renault :boidleau:
Older Ford E-Series
Grumman Step Van
Old F-Series
Rusted Ford LTD(?). I went around to get a shot of the front, but the owner of the bodyshop told me to leave
This dealer still exists
Old Cherokees as well
Rare Fargo Sportman. The license plates on this one were still valid, so I guess it might run.
Really nice Cadillac. This had no wheels and not much of an interior.
Oldsmobile Toronado. It has plates, but they were not valid.
Ford School Bus with a Thomas body. It looks like somebody is/was living in it.

Latest Edition: 28/02/2009 @ 00:28:21
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/02/2009 @ 05:36:21, By taxiguy
The really rusted car is a Ford Granada, not an LTD
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/02/2009 @ 06:22:20, By CougarTim
The Cougar is a 1983 (with the stand-up hood ornament broken off) in "Tu-Tone" Silver Metallic over Dark Charcoal Metallic.
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/02/2009 @ 06:24:32, By Neptune
That Grumman Step Van looks rather new, or at least in very good/to somewhat excellent condition, no? I’m sure it must run?
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/02/2009 @ 07:16:45, By IRT_BMT_IND
The Grumman van had no license plates and the tires were flat.
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 01/04/2009 @ 21:54:43, By atom
The SAAB with danish licensplates again:

I got an email from a Audi V8 enthusiast that wanted me to go back to the junkyard with the V8 and here it is, I thought it was a different one at first but it is burnt the same way:


Daihatsu Applause:

Latest Edition: 01/04/2009 @ 23:09:32
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 04/04/2009 @ 21:22:11, By ingo
It's nearly in my neighbourhood, just this morning I passed it on the countryroad nearby. A 60ies Camper-mobile was sold at eBay for just one Euro!
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 07/07/2009 @ 22:29:46, By ingo
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 07/07/2009 @ 22:39:02, By atom
No I don't know them I'm afraid...sadly :sad:

But now you reminded me to post some pictures I took a while back, BRB.
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 07/07/2009 @ 23:51:05, By atom
Me and a friend took a little roadtrip (we met DAF555 BTW but that's another story) and suddenly my friend says "There was something there in the woods, an old washmachine and an old car...I think" and indeed, here is what we found:

A Volvo PV 445 Duett with a chassi/VIN code as low as 3000-something!

Opel Rekord P:

What could this be??

Another one?

A whole bunch of Volvo PVs:

And in the trunk was two Volvo engines rusting away:

Hmm a SAAB 93?

And a SAAB 93 fender:

MB W114, W115 or so?

VW Typ 1:

VW Typ 1 "Ovali":

Interesting fueldoor:

And a Souvenir to hang on the garage wall:
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 08/07/2009 @ 00:27:07, By CarChasesFanatic
Me and a friend took a little roadtrip (we met DAF555 BTW but that's another story)

Tell us tells us :ddr555:
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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 08/07/2009 @ 09:25:13, By chris40
What could this be?, I think, is a Ford (UK) Zephyr Mk.II; the other is a Zodiac Mk.II.
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