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Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 30/08/2014 @ 15:39:49, By ingo
Pics from the mid-90ies, from a junkyard in Gamer-country (and the wider pre-1994-Ingo-country) - for that reason the masses of VWs
The yard was closed in the late 90ies. In fact it was illegal, as the owner ruled a garage and placed over the years more and more old cars around.
I'd been there around 1992 - and picked all the rare parts from the four K 70-wrecks, als tinted windows, middle-consoles, rubber mats and good bonnet-trims.
Latest Edition: 30/08/2014 @ 15:49:15
The yard was closed in the late 90ies. In fact it was illegal, as the owner ruled a garage and placed over the years more and more old cars around.
I'd been there around 1992 - and picked all the rare parts from the four K 70-wrecks, als tinted windows, middle-consoles, rubber mats and good bonnet-trims.

Latest Edition: 30/08/2014 @ 15:49:15
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 30/08/2014 @ 16:24:41, By ingo
Phew! The house is cleaned up, no spare parts markets and the weather too bad (although summer only 20 degrees and rain) to visit classic car meetings, so there is a bit time to start with a classy winter-evening-work: uploading pics.
Already announced since a time, but deterred by just the mass of motifs, now I'll start with pics from 1999 of the -in the junk yard lovers scene legendary- http://www.carlovanlingen.be/
All the cars/wrecks don't exist any more. Caused by EU-laws (and aggressive local environment-politicians all the 3000 classic were crushed after 2000/2001.
I'd been there in 1999 and could make some pics (only 36, it was the time of analogue photography). Shortly before my fellow Martin, the "tinhunter" had been there, and had made -only ;( - 864 pics (he had 24 film-rolls with him).
Here a little "best of" of Martin's pic (finally he reached to digitalize them). Although I'm not sure about the "best of". I remember more unbelievable glimpses, for example the bunch of FN-trucks from the Belgian Army, a NSU RO 80, a 1965 Ford Mustang and many more.
Anyways, here a brief summary of one of the most legendary continental European junk yard:
btw.: all cars had been only from the area around, nothing from far away. The owner and its father just didn't crush them.
Sorry folks, that's just all
No other Vanlingen-files on this CD. I must ask Martin, if he has more. I'm missing several cars...
Latest Edition: 30/08/2014 @ 17:53:55

Already announced since a time, but deterred by just the mass of motifs, now I'll start with pics from 1999 of the -in the junk yard lovers scene legendary- http://www.carlovanlingen.be/
All the cars/wrecks don't exist any more. Caused by EU-laws (and aggressive local environment-politicians all the 3000 classic were crushed after 2000/2001.
I'd been there in 1999 and could make some pics (only 36, it was the time of analogue photography). Shortly before my fellow Martin, the "tinhunter" had been there, and had made -only ;( - 864 pics (he had 24 film-rolls with him).
Here a little "best of" of Martin's pic (finally he reached to digitalize them). Although I'm not sure about the "best of". I remember more unbelievable glimpses, for example the bunch of FN-trucks from the Belgian Army, a NSU RO 80, a 1965 Ford Mustang and many more.
Anyways, here a brief summary of one of the most legendary continental European junk yard:
btw.: all cars had been only from the area around, nothing from far away. The owner and its father just didn't crush them.

Sorry folks, that's just all

Latest Edition: 30/08/2014 @ 17:53:55
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 31/08/2014 @ 11:12:58, By Nightrider
Hm. Ladas looks as rusty, as Chevys.
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 09/09/2014 @ 23:39:16, By eLMeR
(For now) 19 abandoned cars, most of them not that far from my house (less than 3 miles away):
All seen while just walking my dog, I wonder how many I'll find if I deliberately search after that kind of cars
Latest Edition: 22/01/2015 @ 19:40:46
All seen while just walking my dog, I wonder how many I'll find if I deliberately search after that kind of cars

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Latest Edition: 22/01/2015 @ 19:40:46
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 18/10/2014 @ 22:04:03, By ingo
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 27/10/2014 @ 10:15:13, By dragonboy3000
For those fans of Mercedes-Benz, this should be very interesting.
I work in a mercedes-benz panel shop for the last 5 years as a spray painter.
I work on a property that has six warehouses, we own four as part of our shop. Sandwiched in the middle though they are owned by an elderly gentleman who built up a collection of old classic mercs. He has some that arent mercs, usually old british cars, but the majority are mercs.
(I will post photos of some of the other stuff at a later time)
Now after 30 years he is selling 10 of his collection off, all need restoration, but these depending on how you see are real barn finds.
This is the link for the sale so you can see them all,, there are pdfs showing detailed photos on each individual car.
Latest Edition: 27/10/2014 @ 10:15:47
I work in a mercedes-benz panel shop for the last 5 years as a spray painter.
I work on a property that has six warehouses, we own four as part of our shop. Sandwiched in the middle though they are owned by an elderly gentleman who built up a collection of old classic mercs. He has some that arent mercs, usually old british cars, but the majority are mercs.
(I will post photos of some of the other stuff at a later time)
Now after 30 years he is selling 10 of his collection off, all need restoration, but these depending on how you see are real barn finds.
This is the link for the sale so you can see them all,, there are pdfs showing detailed photos on each individual car.
Latest Edition: 27/10/2014 @ 10:15:47
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/12/2014 @ 12:45:08, By ingo
This stolen Smart lay in the harbour basin of Wilhelmshaven for 7 years.
https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Wilhelmshave- ner-ersteigert-Muschel-Smart,schrottauto116.html
It should have been crushed, but two guys, freak of outstanding cars, took it for fun. They had no usage for it, so they put it at eBay. Surprisingly the auction ended at over 1100 €.
The whole money they will spend for charity, for the local Food Bank
https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Wilhelmshave- ner-ersteigert-Muschel-Smart,schrottauto116.html
While seaching for more pics, I've found these:
In the River Elbe were found 20 cars, laying there for over 20 years (one had a 1988-TÜV-sticker on the plate. Unfortunately pics of only two cars, the E12-BMW and a Citroen DS are published. Maybe some more are to find somewhere.
Of a Golf Cabriolet: http://www.mopo.de/nachrichten/20-wracks-liegen-im-wasser-der-elbe-friedhof-der-ausgeschlachteten-autos,5067140,27201108.html
Latest Edition: 28/12/2014 @ 12:51:20
https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Wilhelmshave- ner-ersteigert-Muschel-Smart,schrottauto116.html
It should have been crushed, but two guys, freak of outstanding cars, took it for fun. They had no usage for it, so they put it at eBay. Surprisingly the auction ended at over 1100 €.
The whole money they will spend for charity, for the local Food Bank
https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/niedersachsen/oldenburg_ostfriesland/Wilhelmshave- ner-ersteigert-Muschel-Smart,schrottauto116.html
While seaching for more pics, I've found these:
In the River Elbe were found 20 cars, laying there for over 20 years (one had a 1988-TÜV-sticker on the plate. Unfortunately pics of only two cars, the E12-BMW and a Citroen DS are published. Maybe some more are to find somewhere.
Of a Golf Cabriolet: http://www.mopo.de/nachrichten/20-wracks-liegen-im-wasser-der-elbe-friedhof-der-ausgeschlachteten-autos,5067140,27201108.html
Latest Edition: 28/12/2014 @ 12:51:20
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/01/2015 @ 18:22:45, By ingo
Spotted by a Swedish fellow:
@atom: if you have any Swedish K 70-specific junkyard- or any other tipps, please let me know. My best friend Mario www.teilethimm.de is planning a Sweden-vacations this summer

@atom: if you have any Swedish K 70-specific junkyard- or any other tipps, please let me know. My best friend Mario www.teilethimm.de is planning a Sweden-vacations this summer

Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 28/01/2015 @ 19:33:40, By atom
I think the K70 at the junkyard in Rättvik is still there. He could visit the yard at Classic Car Week, week 31 every year.
A friend of mine junked a K70 a couple of years ago, I don't think he has anything of it left but I could ask just to make sure.
A friend of mine junked a K70 a couple of years ago, I don't think he has anything of it left but I could ask just to make sure.
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 08/02/2015 @ 00:34:15, By eLMeR
There was a former gas station squatted not so far from my home. With 4 or 5 vans all around the area, nothing could be seen from the outside.
Squatters left the place (or were more likely expelled) 2 weeks ago, and some remainders of the squat became visible:
One week later, bulldozers "went to the party":
Short-lived Land Art...
Squatters left the place (or were more likely expelled) 2 weeks ago, and some remainders of the squat became visible:
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One week later, bulldozers "went to the party":

Short-lived Land Art...
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 05/06/2015 @ 12:55:23, By rjluna2
I found an interesting MSN article about Mopar Graveyard Hidden in the Carolina Hills.
Latest Edition: 05/06/2015 @ 12:56:46
Latest Edition: 05/06/2015 @ 12:56:46
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 05/06/2015 @ 22:01:49, By eLMeR
I found an interesting MSN article about Mopar Graveyard Hidden in the Carolina Hills.
Ouch! Sounds like Chinese torture...

Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 12/08/2015 @ 21:14:48, By ingo
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 15/09/2015 @ 18:58:29, By night cub
Hemmings posted an article about the Badlands Bombing Range in South Dakota, that was used for bombing practice until the 1960s. They used cars from a junkyard to set the perimeter for the planes to see (most look like they are from the 1930s). There is a photographer who took pictures of all the abandoned cars, and he has started to ID them.
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 18/09/2015 @ 12:17:20, By Neon
Rover 200 (don't know the specific model) in good conditions scrapped:

Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 20/09/2015 @ 23:30:18, By Sandie
Possibly seen before: http://autoshite.com/topic/21523-a-selection-of-fine-pre-owned-vehicles-from-southern-sweden/page-2#entry818640
Pictures from the famous Bastnas car cemetery near the Norwegian border
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 21/10/2015 @ 13:23:37, By rjluna2
I found a Yahoo article at 26 Classic Cars Are Unearthed from Danish Barn Find.
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 20/11/2015 @ 19:07:38, By ingo
Now we come to the wide field of "abandoned vehicles on the Scottish islands", one topic, for that they are known:
behind it :
Next to our first holiday-cottage:
These three Vans stand together in a circle of 50 meters, all besides one of the two wee grocer-store in Tarbert on Harris, nearby the cottage with old technical decoration:
the newcomer (MOT until 4/2015)
nearby the grocer of Leverburgh on Harris:
Besides the A859 on Harris. When I saw it from the road, I told my wife "Let me take pictures from this sheepfold - but it was used as a house!
A long time ago. It looked as abandoned of this purpose for some years.
just beside
I forgot to check the wellies. I don't have some.
Interesting, that on the Hebrides you can find abandoned cars, placed on official raods, as this Renault for example. On North Uist I've seen an Audi A4 at a similar place.
On Berneray:
Latest Edition: 20/11/2015 @ 20:29:05

behind it :

Next to our first holiday-cottage:

These three Vans stand together in a circle of 50 meters, all besides one of the two wee grocer-store in Tarbert on Harris, nearby the cottage with old technical decoration:

the newcomer (MOT until 4/2015)

nearby the grocer of Leverburgh on Harris:

Besides the A859 on Harris. When I saw it from the road, I told my wife "Let me take pictures from this sheepfold - but it was used as a house!

A long time ago. It looked as abandoned of this purpose for some years.

just beside

I forgot to check the wellies. I don't have some.
Interesting, that on the Hebrides you can find abandoned cars, placed on official raods, as this Renault for example. On North Uist I've seen an Audi A4 at a similar place.
On Berneray:

Latest Edition: 20/11/2015 @ 20:29:05
Junk yards and abandoned cars
Published 21/11/2015 @ 01:22:38, By dsl
Dead cars/vans in field and on moors sometimes used as cabins - somewhere to sit out of the rain - eg for shepherds, peat-cutters etc. Or for onsite storage - fencing, spades fertiliser, animal food etc