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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 20:27:34, By CarChasesFanatic
And what kinf of person would need someone to mvoe his car from a state to another?

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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 20:32:17, By taxiguy
And what kind of person would trust just any old person to drive his car that long of a distance? :grin:
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 20:34:14, By CarChasesFanatic
Exactly, i cant imagine a situation in where i could be to let somene i dont know drive my car...
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 20:48:09, By ingo
And what kinf of person would need someone to mvoe his car from a state to another?

Different ones. People, who are moving to annother state and don't want to drive such a long distance. Or company-cars, which shall be brought to somewhere else. Sometimes they had confiscated cars of people, who haven't paid their debts, which shall be brought to the creditor.

The last cars had the worst reputation, because often rotten, dirty and stinky. I didn't drove such cars. But the first one, the Ford Explorer, was ugly enough. It was a civil car of a kind of railway-police. Just 1 1/2 years old, but scratchy and dirty. I haven't cleaned the car before delivering, I'd cleaned it, before I was sitting inside. The whole interior was greasy and sticky. Yuk!
And in the A-pillar was a big hole for the extra searchlight. I've covered it with original 1990-Wyoming-license-plate-stickers, to avoid the nerving sound and the uncomfortalbe air-intake. Before I started I've been with a friend to te worlds biggest license-plate-collecors-convent, so I had some of these stickers.

Latest Edition: 01/07/2008 @ 20:50:32
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 20:52:57, By CarChasesFanatic
And in this place can you chose the car you want to drive?
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 21:28:32, By taxiguy
I would make a short visit to Michigan (very interesting state)

You really think so? I don't like it here too much. :tongue: Why may I ask, do you like it? Also don't forget to visit the Renaissance Center in Detroit, the world headquarters of GM.
Here are some pictures I took the times I have gone:

And of course don't forget to stop by Lansing and say hi to me! :grin:
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 21:42:05, By ingo
And in this place can you chose the car you want to drive?

Yes, but not only the cars are to choose, the destinations, too. And how you can leave the destination after delivering the car. This is up to yourself again.
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 21:48:29, By ingo

I would make a short visit to Michigan (very interesting state)

To visit Wayne Schlegel, too?
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 22:20:34, By Raul1983
You really think so? I don't like it here too much. :tongue: Why may I ask, do you like it?

May I ask why you don't like living in Michigan? Is it because of the cold weather?? I've also heard people say that it's a grey and depressive place but so is Finland :wink: Here it has been just rain all June.

Like I mentioned in another post somewhere in this forum I'm interested about the state because of its automotive past (and present), music culture etc. And familiar names from car history books; Dearborn, Flint, Lansing, Warren etc. Also the Great Lakes are worth of seeing, right ?
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Euro 2008 UEFA football
Published 01/07/2008 @ 22:47:52, By taxiguy
Ah, it's just that it's a pretty boring place is all. It isn't exciting and glamorous like California, New York, or Florida. The Great Lakes are nice I guess, (mostly Lake Michigan, that's the good one) and the beaches are nice to swim in, I like how it's not saltwater. Plus they can be quite beutiful sometimes, but that's pretty much about it for Michigan. Detroit's ok to visit I guess, the Ren Cen is cool, but most of the city is just a bunch or crumbling freeways and abandoned houses that have homeless people and murderers living in them.

As far as the weather, I like having four seasons, I know a lot of the world only has one or two seasons, and it's rare to be like it is here. I don't like how it's WAY too hot in the summer and WAY too cold in the winter, though. But that said, I can't even imagine living in a place where it isn't like that...

And yes in the winter is alway very cloudy and depressing, just like Europe :ohwell:

Latest Edition: 01/07/2008 @ 22:49:00
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