Old contributions (archive) » [done]Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
[done]Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 15/06/2008 @ 21:12:19, By Leoz
This was a widely-watched documentary that aired in the UK late last year. It depicts British Journalist Jauques Pereti traveling the US getting the inside story on what really made MJ go Wacko. Despite it still airing on TV today, it does not have an IMDB page
. Pereti has made lots more documentaries like this, I might find some more cars in his further work one day
1970 Chevrolet Chevelle, three stars:
Cadillac Escalade, two stars:
Chevrolet Silverado, two stars:
Lincoln Towncar, two stars:
1997 Ford Crown Victoria (tribute to Taxiguy!), one star:
Chevrolet Stepvan, one star:
Toyota Camry, one star:
Datsun 280zx, one star:
Must be right size and format. The Datsun is worth a page. There were lots more background/partially visible vehicles as well. I'll post them once this has a page
Latest Edition: 01/03/2009 @ 07:42:16

1970 Chevrolet Chevelle, three stars:

Cadillac Escalade, two stars:

Chevrolet Silverado, two stars:

Lincoln Towncar, two stars:

1997 Ford Crown Victoria (tribute to Taxiguy!), one star:

Chevrolet Stepvan, one star:

Toyota Camry, one star:

Datsun 280zx, one star:

Must be right size and format. The Datsun is worth a page. There were lots more background/partially visible vehicles as well. I'll post them once this has a page

Latest Edition: 01/03/2009 @ 07:42:16
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 15/06/2008 @ 23:43:52, By CarChasesFanatic
Those images are tiny! by the way, the Escalade is not an Escalade but a GMC Yukon.
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 16/06/2008 @ 03:10:03, By Ddey65
I don't think that mail truck is a Chevy Step Van either.
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 16/06/2008 @ 04:44:08, By ford_guy
The Crown Victoria is not a 1997, but a 2003+ model.
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 16/06/2008 @ 04:46:39, By taxiguy
Yes, and the Toyota Camry is a 1987-89 DX model. It's even the same color as our '88.
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 17/06/2008 @ 17:12:19, By Leoz
Sorry. I forgot which size is best and had Imageshack to just resize them for websites and Email. I just did all this at once. Too fast, thanks for the help!
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 17/06/2008 @ 18:44:39, By antp
As the aspect ratio is wrong, resizing them with imageshack was useless anyway: they would have to be properly resized before being uploaded
For resizing it is better to use XnView or some other program, to be able to eventually fix the ratio.

For resizing it is better to use XnView or some other program, to be able to eventually fix the ratio.
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 17/06/2008 @ 21:31:39, By Leoz
OK. Which Ratio is best?
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 17/06/2008 @ 21:36:38, By antp
The good one.
Ratio depends on the movie.
Most common ones are 1.33, 1.66, 1.85, 2.35
There is also 1.77 with DVD black borders, and sometimes 1.50
And in rare cases, completely different values.
Ratio depends on the movie.
Most common ones are 1.33, 1.66, 1.85, 2.35
There is also 1.77 with DVD black borders, and sometimes 1.50
And in rare cases, completely different values.
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 26/06/2008 @ 20:08:25, By Wampa-One
I guess they are also still "too heavy" as in file size KB exceeds maximum allowable 80KB, (and I guess smaller like 15-40KB is preferable.)
Latest Edition: 26/06/2008 @ 20:09:22
Latest Edition: 26/06/2008 @ 20:09:22
[n/a] Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 07/10/2008 @ 17:00:48, By Leoz

Latest Edition: 20/07/2011 @ 07:57:52
[n/a] Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 08/10/2008 @ 09:36:56, By antp
good question... I guess that Wampa-One was waiting that you resize pics correctly? (aspect ratio + size)
Though that else another admin could do it.
Though that else another admin could do it.
[n/a] Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 08/10/2008 @ 19:09:29, By Leoz
True, I'm forever on MSN and stuff today, don't know where that dvd is either. I'll find it. An admin could still do these

Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 11/01/2009 @ 08:20:45, By dragonboy3000
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 12/01/2009 @ 01:09:48, By marioman3138
work Dragonboy-thought about this, but I didn't have enough time
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 13/01/2009 @ 18:53:07, By Leoz
It don't really matter, I mean ... The pictures are a little thin, the show doesn't even have an IMDB page, and it's been so long maybe we had just forgotten about this whole thing?

Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 16/01/2009 @ 12:37:34, By antp
I can't do ratio or enlarge them as i do not have access to your originals,
That does not prevent from correcting ratio... as current pics are really too high (or not wide enough : best thing to do would be to resize them to 445x240 for example)
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 17/01/2009 @ 13:32:12, By dragonboy3000
Re-edited them above. Thnx antp.
Michael Jackson: What Really Happened, Documentary, 2007
Published 01/03/2009 @ 07:41:51, By badlymad
Dragonboy is also listed as a contributor for fixing the pictures.
Dragonboy is also listed as a contributor for fixing the pictures.