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Bicycles in the database
Published 21/07/2008 @ 16:55:33, By Booster
I was wondering if we could add to the database the bicycles that appear in movies. What do you think?

I think it won't be difficult to recognize them
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Bicycles in the database
Published 21/07/2008 @ 17:24:09, By antp
No. We limited to engined "road" vehicles.

Latest Edition: 21/07/2008 @ 17:24:18
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Bicycles in the database
Published 02/09/2008 @ 17:50:23, By Leoz
True. Yet I like to see anything with wheels in the movie comments.
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Bicycles in the database
Published 02/09/2008 @ 21:05:29, By antp
I think that once I included a Peugeot bicycle in the comments of a movie :smile: (as they also make bicycle in addition of cars and scooters)
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Bicycles in the database
Published 03/09/2008 @ 00:32:18, By taxiguy
(as they also make bicycle in addition of cars and scooters)

I suppose they call it the 1/2-07? :grin:
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Bicycles in the database
Published 11/01/2009 @ 18:02:04, By veturilo
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Bicycles in the database
Published 11/01/2009 @ 20:15:42, By Ddey65
I've seen motorcycles and mopeds on here that look a lot like bicycles.

Seriously, Antoine; You actually included a Peugeot bicycle here once? International Harvester made refrigerators and air conditioners, but I know they don't belong here.

FYI, did you know that Dodge once made bicycles too?

Latest Edition: 11/01/2009 @ 20:16:47
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Bicycles in the database
Published 11/01/2009 @ 20:50:12, By Animatronixx
Just by the way: Have I ever told you that I am the proud owner of a working 1959 Opel Frigidaire refrigerator? :grin:
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Bicycles in the database
Published 11/01/2009 @ 21:26:14, By antp
Ddey65 >> just in comments:

Animatronixx >> about unusual makes, my vacuum cleaner is from Panasonic, it was the first time I saw one from that make, which usually makes hifi/video rather than household appliances :grin:
(I know, it is not car-related)
A friend of my sister had some time ago a Daewoo computer :grin:

Latest Edition: 11/01/2009 @ 21:26:43
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Bicycles in the database
Published 12/01/2009 @ 16:00:06, By ingo
my type-writing-machine could perhaps for walter be interesting - it is a Wanderer :smile:

@animatronixx: gratulation. so ein opel-kühlschrank hat ein kumpel auf dem teilemarkt recklinghausen abgeschossen. perfekter zustand und er brauchte nur eine sackkarre, weil er eine straße weiter wohnt.

ich schreibe jetzt alles klein, weil ich nur eine hand freihabe, die andere habe ich mir gestern gebrochen. frisch gefrorenes tauwasser auf treppenstufen...

Latest Edition: 12/01/2009 @ 16:00:28
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Bicycles in the database
Published 12/01/2009 @ 16:07:06, By ingo
by the way. for some years in the pre-war-times Opel was the biggest bycicle- and sewing-machine-maker in Europe. And in the 50ies NSU was the biggest moped-factory worldwide.
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Bicycles in the database
Published 12/01/2009 @ 18:21:09, By Animatronixx
Animatronixx >> about unusual makes, my vacuum cleaner is from Panasonic, it was the first time I saw one from that make, which usually makes hifi/video rather than household appliances :grin:
(I know, it is not car-related)
A friend of my sister had some time ago a Daewoo computer :grin:

Our local swimming bath has showers made by Mitsubishi and somebody in my circle of friends (who was it?!?) once had a computer monitor by Hyundai.

ich schreibe jetzt alles klein, weil ich nur eine hand freihabe, die andere habe ich mir gestern gebrochen. frisch gefrorenes tauwasser auf treppenstufen...

Oh... :eek: Na, dann wünsche ich Dir aber mal gute Besserung und möglichst keine Komplikationen im Heilungsprozeß!
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Bicycles in the database
Published 14/01/2009 @ 06:13:42, By valiant1962

International Harvester made refrigerators and air conditioners, but I know they don't belong here.

Monica's fridge in Friend's was an IH
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Bicycles in the database
Published 14/01/2009 @ 09:37:37, By marioman3138
Mitsubishi-make air conditoers, as well as long before for that-fighter planes
Toyota-sewing machines
Lightburn-started out as cement mixers, dishwashers, etc. atemted cars
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Bicycles in the database
Published 14/01/2009 @ 09:57:58, By antp

Monica's fridge in Friend's was an IH

Indeed, I forgot that I even posted a pic on imcdb about that:
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Bicycles in the database
Published 14/01/2009 @ 10:05:17, By ingo
mercedes benz nowadays also produces, resp. sells bicycles under their name.
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Bicycles in the database
Published 23/02/2009 @ 23:18:56, By sixcyl
Do you remember collective transportation in ... Bugatti?
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Bicycles in the database
Published 23/02/2009 @ 23:20:26, By sixcyl
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Bicycles in the database
Published 23/02/2009 @ 23:30:58, By sixcyl
A Peugeot from the 1970's:

model SC50010
220V , up to 160mm , 3500 rpm
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Bicycles in the database
Published 12/03/2009 @ 06:40:45, By marioman3138
Honda-The "Hero Honda" cricket bat, used by the some of the Indian cricket team (and some other guy I know) :lol:
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