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what type of car is this?
Published 03/10/2008 @ 16:11:11, By batman
what type of car is this? it is located at the lethal weapon ride at warner bros. movieworld on the gold coast of Australia.
File: file_25638_ok.jpg ( 71.6 KB - 1082 )
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what type of car is this?
Published 03/10/2008 @ 16:12:51, By batman
another picture
File: file_25639_ok.jpg ( 63.8 KB - 1009 )
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what type of car is this?
Published 03/10/2008 @ 19:47:45, By antp
Obviously a Pontiac, as written on it :grin: For the model I do not know...
But it looks nice :smile:
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what type of car is this?
Published 04/10/2008 @ 05:37:45, By taxiguy
It's a full-size from about 1967. Either Catalina or Bonneville.
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what type of car is this?
Published 04/10/2008 @ 07:12:09, By marioman3138
I've seen that car at warner bros. movieworld, its very nice. I can rember there were others as well.
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what type of car is this?
Published 04/10/2008 @ 14:44:02, By Ddey65
It's a full-size from about 1967. Either Catalina or Bonneville.

If it were a Bonneville, it would say so on the grille. Also, '67's had the coke-bottle profiles a lot of GM's were getting.
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what type of car is this?
Published 14/10/2008 @ 07:56:59, By valiant1962
Pontiac Parisienne
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