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[Done] WHITE TRUCK - 1949 "Mighty Joe Young" / 1949 "Impact"
Published 05/04/2009 @ 23:13:23, By eymurphey
While this site acknowledges the very rare WHITE MOVING VAN in BEKINS MOVING CO. guise from the 1949 movie "IMPACT" -----

It does not acknowledge what I think might be the same rare WHITE MOVING
VAN in GREAT WESTERN MOVING CO. guise used in the movie "MIGHTY JOE YOUNG" also from 1949 ------

I understand that these two movies were made by different companies, but it is WAY TOO coincidental that this truck type shows up in both movies. As stated, this is a somewhat rare body type from WHITE.

ANY HELP HERE WOULD BE APPRECIATED - At any rate, let's add "MIGHTY JOE YOUNG" and the WHITE "GREAT WESTERN" to the list!!
File: GreatWesternWHITE11.jpg ( 133.0 KB - 1543 )

Latest Edition: 08/04/2009 @ 13:08:32
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WHITE TRUCK - 1949 "Mighty Joe Young" / 1949 "Impact"
Published 06/04/2009 @ 01:05:51, By Ddey65
Same model, yes. But that doesn't mean it's the exact same truck. They both look like 820's. roit.jpg

Latest Edition: 06/04/2009 @ 01:06:39
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WHITE TRUCK - 1949 "Mighty Joe Young" / 1949 "Impact"
Published 06/04/2009 @ 02:33:19, By eymurphey
This is a latter model than the 820. This was built in the mid 40's. I know that they are the same model - I THINK they MAY be the same truck. What you cant see entirely from these pictures is that both trucks have similar markings. Note the Nation Wide Moving above the cab. Also in pictures I have, the logos on the bottom of the sides of both vehicles are the same. I would argue that they are the same truck - until PROVEN wrong.

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WHITE TRUCK - 1949 "Mighty Joe Young" / 1949 "Impact"
Published 08/04/2009 @ 13:08:04, By vilero
The van for Impact (1949) was already listed
And for Mighty Joe Young, Movie, 1949, done
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