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Going to get new car
Published 25/04/2009 @ 18:36:24, By taxiguy
I think the trip from Michigan to Indiana might be a tad bit easier than the trip from Germany to Indiana. :grin:

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Going to get new car
Published 28/04/2009 @ 01:36:46, By 93_Montero
Haha, well thanks. Sadly, even traveling around Indiana is not really possible. I found a 1971 Ford Bronco for cheap about two hours away from where I live. But who knows if I go all the way up there and it's not good? I think it's better I buy a newish car even though I don't want to. I'm really only looking in my town where it is possible for me to go look at the car easily.
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Going to get new car
Published 29/04/2009 @ 03:35:08, By MBSL65fan
Maybe instead of a Montero, would you mind having a newer model Montero Sport?
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Going to get new car
Published 13/05/2009 @ 13:29:22, By 93_Montero
Maybe instead of a Montero, would you mind having a newer model Montero Sport?

Apologies for not noticing your comment. No, I'm not really a fan of the Montero Sports. I guess they are too different from the second-gen Monteros. Even Monteros of my same year in other colors don't look as good as in gray and black which I've seen on Ebay.
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Going to get new car
Published 16/05/2009 @ 09:16:36, By ingo
A bit diferent story, but it belongs to the title "Going to get a new car":

The Autobahn close close to Hannover was blocked, because a 23-year-old guy has lost 23 000 €. The police let him pick it up (except 3000 € he had found it again).
He made a test-drive with an Audi A4 Cabriolet, asking price 25 000 €, and had the money in an envelope. This envelope he had put on the back seat. When he drive fast, it flew away.

Perhaps it's typical German style, but the discussion in the forum underneath included some enviousness "Why had a 23-year-old so much money left for buying a car?" and why the guy not to had pay to the police-work.

Ca.3 years ago something similar happened on the Autobahn 43 close to Bochum. A guy had a bag with 100 000 € with him, he wanted to buy a machine for his company. On a rest-area he made a pee - and let the bag on the car's roof. Shortly later he say the money flying around.
Several other drivers had stopped and had helped him to find it back. Unfortunately several thounsands were disappeared. Strange, because so many people have helped the guy...
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