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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 10/06/2009 @ 19:11:50, By G-MANN
I had a Star Wars marathon this weekend and I noticed in the Rebel base hangar scenes in Star Wars (A New Hope) and Empire Strikes Back there are buggy-type vehicles (we'd list them as Ground Conveyors) moving around the set with actors riding in them. They probably aren't indentifiable so we'd have to list them as Made for Movie, but they are noticable. All the other wheeled/tracked land vehicles in Star Wars are either models (like the Sandcrawler) are CGI (like the wookie tanks in Revenge of the Sith) so they shouldn't be listed (unless Alexander actually carries out his hairbrained idea for a site that features all vehicles in movies, real or not).

Would it be worth listing these? Or are they not of interest?

Latest Edition: 10/06/2009 @ 19:13:53
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 10/06/2009 @ 20:00:59, By antp
Maybe post a picture for those who do not remember the movie :grin:
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 10/06/2009 @ 20:54:58, By antp
Do these even have wheels? Or are they supposed to "hover"?
Maybe it is better to list list these in movie comments.

Latest Edition: 10/06/2009 @ 20:55:13
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 10/06/2009 @ 21:05:03, By G-MANN
No they are definetely real motorised land vehicles (In terms of reality rather than the Star Wars universe), I imagine they have wheels underneath (if not it could only be caterpillar tracks, I'd say it's most likely they have wheels instead of this). They are probably electric factory buggies with space-age cladding on them.

Also I've just done some quick research and it turns out Luke's hovering Landspeeder was actually a real car underneath and they used mirrors and other techniques to hide the wheels (Lucas redid it all with digital technology when he re-released the trilogy in 1997):

Anyway the way I see it:

Reason for listing these: They are not CGI or models, they are real motorised vehicles. And maybe it would be nice to have Star Wars included on IMCDB.

Reason for not listing: They probably aren't identifiable as any known vehicle and since there aren't any "real vehicles" in Star Wars (because it's set in a completely fictional universe) it may not be of interest to motoring fans (although Star Wars fans would be happy).

But I don't want to bother making a page for these films if they're only going to go in the comments.

Latest Edition: 10/06/2009 @ 21:56:32
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 10/06/2009 @ 23:10:21, By atom

That one looks like one of these:

Latest Edition: 10/06/2009 @ 23:11:21
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 09:45:31, By antp

But I don't want to bother making a page for these films if they're only going to go in the comments.

Why not? that's the best way to put the info that you just gave above, just for reference, without filling the database with not-really-vehicle entries, as there are already many made-for-movie which should not be there IMHO.
As I recently posted in comments on the site, made-for-movie is for vehicle which look like a real one but are not especially identifiable. Like bad replicas of old cars.

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 09:46:22
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 10:50:09, By G-MANN
I just think a film page without listings is pointless. A film either has vehicles in it or it doesn't (Models and CGI don't count). Which made-for-movie vehicles shouldn't be here? If you don't want them here, then why don't you delete them? I think things that are custom built for the movie like the Batmobile are fine as long as they are working vehicles with engines inside them.

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 10:54:22
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 11:22:01, By antp
I just think a film page without listings is pointless. A film either has vehicles in it or it doesn't (Models and CGI don't count).

The answer is in your message: some "vehicles" do not cound. But it can still be interesting to mention these somehow just in case someone thinks
- what were these vehicles? are these real?
- they forgot to include that on the site, I will send pictures of them (that's why I say that too-cartoon pictures should be put in comments, at least if they have some role, so they are not resubmitted later)
It is still interesting to provide info about these vehicles. More than about aircrafts that are often put in comments...

Which made-for-movie vehicles shouldn't be here? If you don't want them here, then why don't you delete them? I think things that are custom built for the movie like the Batmobile are fine as long as they are working vehicles with engines inside them.

Sure, Batmobile MUST be listed, that's the reason of "made for movie" vehicles: "real" (or looking real) vehicles.
There are probably less than what I thought which should not be listed (I can't find the two I was thinking to - I guess they were deleted :grin: ) so forget about the "there are many..." part of my message :wink:
But here is the one with the comments I was referring to:

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 11:24:34
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 12:00:12, By G-MANN
The answer is in your message: some "vehicles" do not cound. But it can still be interesting to mention these somehow just in case someone thinks
- what were these vehicles? are these real?

Sure, Batmobile MUST be listed, that's the reason of "made for movie" vehicles: "real" (or looking real) vehicles.

I think we're getting a bit confused here....

The "buggies" in my thumbnails are real in the sense that they are not models or CGI, if you click on the thumbnails you'll see that there are real people riding in these things (in the 1st thumbnail, Luke, Leia and Han are riding on it). If you watch the film you'll see that they are being powered by a motor/engine. As I said, they are probably warehouse vehicles (which we categorize as ground conveyors) with a bit of dressing.

Although the Batmobile is a much more prominent vehicle in the Batman films, so even if you left that out the page would be missing something. The buggies in these Star War films are only about 2/1 stars, they only play a tiny role in the film. Although we could also include Luke's Landspeeder in A New Hope because underneath it was either a Reliant Robin or Bond Bug.

By the way, with the go-kart in that film I think we've gotten into a big grey area with non-road vehicles. I think since we allow golf carts and forklifts and stuff like that, then why not this? It has a motor, people ride in it and it plays a role in the film. I realise I probably started off the whole warehouse vehicle/ground conveyor thing when I did Austin Powers, because of that scene where he tries to turn around in a corridor with that buggy :grin: (and there lots of other similar vehicles used in that movie). But then I don't think Postman Pat's van should be listed and you said it was OK :tongue:

We don't allow disability buggies to be listed (like the one in Ali G Indahouse), but recently I was behind one in my car which was riding on the road AND had it's own numberplate! (unless he was cheating and it wasn't a real one) But we should definetely not list any go-cart without an engine, otherwise you might as well list a shopping trolley from Jackass.

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 12:11:22
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 14:45:31, By antp
Golf carts & Forklifts are more or less easy to identify by a make & model.
Go-karts not, except in few rare cases maybe.

About that number plate, didn't you write it down to check it on dvla or other similar site? :tongue:
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 15:09:26, By G-MANN
No I was busy driving. But please give me an answer, shall I add list these vehicles or not?
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 18:14:56, By antp
I answered: for me, these should be mentioned in comment.
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 20:26:33, By G-MANN
Anyone else? Although I get the impression not many have noticed this topic since it's in the contributions section.

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 20:31:19
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 11/06/2009 @ 20:39:52, By antp
Anyone else? Although I get the impression not many have noticed this topic since it's in the contributions section.

You want someone else's opinion because you do not like mine? :grin:

If you want other people notice your topic, "contributions" is maybe not the best section, "cars & movies" would be better (or "general" since in a way it is a discussion about the site itself too)

Latest Edition: 11/06/2009 @ 20:40:13
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 17/06/2009 @ 12:39:04, By vilero
They aren't vehicles from The Earth so they are not vehicles.
Following the way you say, we would list all the "things" that are showed in Sci-Fic movies.

To infinity, and beyond!
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 18/06/2009 @ 23:57:21, By G-MANN
I think you've misunderstood. A lot of land vehicles in sci-fi films are just models. These aren't models, they were obviously real working vehicles (not fake "hover vehicles"). Just because Star Wars is set in a fictional universe doesn't mean these buggies aren't real powered vehicles. It's not much different from listing the Batmobiles or the APC in Aliens (which was a converted airport tug) or the things in the Mad Max films, only thing they play a more prominent role in their films. But as I said, Luke's Landspeeder was a Reliant Robin/Bond Bug underneath, so it was sort of a car.

Actually I remember the discussion about a possible site for aircraft and I was against something like the Millenium Falcon being added because it wasn't a real flying vehicle, it was just a model and a completely fictional craft. Perhaps people are against these being added because of a similar logic, I'll just say that at least these functioned as vehicles in real life.

Latest Edition: 19/06/2009 @ 00:07:44
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 19/06/2009 @ 13:48:47, By antp
It's not much different from listing [...]

Their importance in the movie is quite different, though :tongue:
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 01/07/2009 @ 00:09:11, By Star Wars Fanatic
Well I'm obviously going to be biased and say yes :lol: I was considering doing this myself some time ago as I've known about Luke's Reliant Robin for quite some time. I guess it's a bit hard to say as it doesn't exactly fit the site, but I would say the landspeeder should at least be added as it has been officially confirmed it was in fact a Robin.
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Vehicles in Star Wars
Published 09/07/2009 @ 20:19:05, By G-MANN
I would list it as Made for Movie though.
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