Cars & Movies » Car chase in the making
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 07:32:10, By taxiguy
I'm currently working very hard to direct, produce, and edit my very own homemade car chase! I've completed most of it, but I haven't come up with an ending yet. Right now, the video is about 0:57 seconds long, and I plan for it to end at around 1:15-1:30 minutes. I have some more chase ideas to fill some of that time, but I desperately need a good ending. It would help me out a ton if you guys could help brainstorm ideas with me.
Here's what I have so far, please watch and if you can think of a nice ending don't hesitate to suggest something! Just remember, the cars belong to me and my father and we both love them very much, so no severe damage!!!
(hitting a plastic trash can, some cardboard boxes, or a small wire fence would probably be fine though)
Here is the “official IMCDb” car listings for the chase:
1984 Dodge 600 ES Turbo - 4 ****
1985 Oldsmobile Delta 88 LS - 4 ****
1993 Ford Taurus GL - 2 **
1988 Toyota Camry LE - 1 *
Here's what I have so far, please watch and if you can think of a nice ending don't hesitate to suggest something! Just remember, the cars belong to me and my father and we both love them very much, so no severe damage!!!
Here is the “official IMCDb” car listings for the chase:
1984 Dodge 600 ES Turbo - 4 ****
1985 Oldsmobile Delta 88 LS - 4 ****
1993 Ford Taurus GL - 2 **
1988 Toyota Camry LE - 1 *
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 09:21:41, By marioman3138
great, i really enjoyed it so far. bery well made. Things you need-handbrake/j-turn. Just in a stone road/car park, pull on the mhandbrake, and spin! maybe a over the gutter jump? If you could get your hands on some letter boxes, you could knock them over. 1:30 is to short (even for a short film), it needs to be about three minutes, if you can make it that long. But its great so far!
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 09:29:08, By antp
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 10:24:47, By marioman3138
Just had another idea-through a wall of old car tyres! just speak to your local car-tyre place, and ask them to lend you their old tyres!
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 11:26:22, By 93_Montero
Haha nice use of Smokin' by Boston!! Driving around that corner with the Camry stopping looks good!
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 11:59:11, By ingo
The idea is great, fantastic!
Yes, Antoine is right, the disgusting 600-badge has deserved a greatful dead indeed. Hmm, let's think about that. We will have ideas sooner or later...
@Max: a few little tips I got in my mind
- perhaps a bit more stylish outfit like here
- perhaps a bit "stronger" music, like the best classic at all has:
O.k., there they have used a little bit cooler cars, but a K-car, a Taurus and a Toyota aren't not much worse than a 68' Shelby Mustang Fastback
Latest Edition: 06/07/2009 @ 12:06:49
Yes, Antoine is right, the disgusting 600-badge has deserved a greatful dead indeed. Hmm, let's think about that. We will have ideas sooner or later...

@Max: a few little tips I got in my mind
- perhaps a bit more stylish outfit like here
- perhaps a bit "stronger" music, like the best classic at all has:
O.k., there they have used a little bit cooler cars, but a K-car, a Taurus and a Toyota aren't not much worse than a 68' Shelby Mustang Fastback

Latest Edition: 06/07/2009 @ 12:06:49
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 14:58:01, By CarChasesFanatic
Haha nice use of Smokin' by Boston!! Driving around that corner with the Camry stopping looks good!
Totally agreed, that was very nicely done, very movie-like

Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 21:26:43, By Toenz
Car chase in the making
Published 06/07/2009 @ 22:40:37, By Neptune
Nice chase so far. I liked the Camry coming into the scene and stopping as if you pulled out in front of it.
Since you don’t have film studio funding to crash any of the cars, a cheap ending would be to run into a dead-end ally or something, get out of the cars and have a fake shoot out. Maybe find some black toy guns that make firing sounds. Use ketchup for blood ...
Just an idea ...
For a future car chase maybe you can find someone who owns a Expedition and used that in the chase (just kidding
Since you don’t have film studio funding to crash any of the cars, a cheap ending would be to run into a dead-end ally or something, get out of the cars and have a fake shoot out. Maybe find some black toy guns that make firing sounds. Use ketchup for blood ...

For a future car chase maybe you can find someone who owns a Expedition and used that in the chase (just kidding

Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 00:03:19, By atom
Really nice so far, I'm impressed!
Something you could do that I really like in chases is to mount the camera on the front bumper of the car facing backwards filming your front tire as you turns and also get a glimps of the pursuer.
You can mount it with some papertubes and tape without damaging the cars or camera I think.
Another good view is to mount the camera on the rear side window facing forward.
I think you get more action with such views.
And btw I have thought of doing the same some time I have one running and one crashed Volvo PV after all
Something you could do that I really like in chases is to mount the camera on the front bumper of the car facing backwards filming your front tire as you turns and also get a glimps of the pursuer.
You can mount it with some papertubes and tape without damaging the cars or camera I think.
Another good view is to mount the camera on the rear side window facing forward.
I think you get more action with such views.
And btw I have thought of doing the same some time I have one running and one crashed Volvo PV after all

Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 00:06:16, By CarChasesFanatic
And btw I have thought of doing the same some time I have one running and one crashed Volvo PV after all

Same here, I've always wanted to do one too, some day

PD: If you ever happen to do it Atom, just tell us

Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 00:19:10, By ford_guy
Nicely done Max, I'm very impressed
I know someone made a mention of the music before, and I agree that you could use some stronger music, maybe making the tone seem a bit more serious.
As for the ending, I like what Neptune said about finding a cheaper alternative. Perhaps you could find some old Crown Vics or Caprices to form a road block, ending the chase
And out of curiosity, who are the other "actors?"

I know someone made a mention of the music before, and I agree that you could use some stronger music, maybe making the tone seem a bit more serious.
As for the ending, I like what Neptune said about finding a cheaper alternative. Perhaps you could find some old Crown Vics or Caprices to form a road block, ending the chase

And out of curiosity, who are the other "actors?"
Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 00:59:41, By 93_Montero
As far as a shootout goes it would be difficult to make it look as real as this chase does. Most fake guns look too fake. I did have a friend that bought a 1911 BB gun and either cut the orange tip off or painted it black. It didn't look bad and I think he paid around $20 for it.
If only it was possible for you to do that handbrake turn where the car turns all the way around and you start driving backwards like in a couple scenes in the Fast and Furious movies. A large parking lot and a small car might make it possible although I've never tried such a thing.
If only it was possible for you to do that handbrake turn where the car turns all the way around and you start driving backwards like in a couple scenes in the Fast and Furious movies. A large parking lot and a small car might make it possible although I've never tried such a thing.
Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 05:52:27, By taxiguy
Thanks for all the suggestions. I do have a rough idea for the ending, I mean I know what I want to happen, basically the getaway car somehow gets away (simple, huh?) The only problem is I don't see a good way to "stop" or "lose" the pursuing car in a convincing and/or "cool" way without damaging it
My original idea was to have a chasing showdown in an industrial area and then at the end have the getaway car drive through a wall of boxes, and the pursuing car would slip and slide through the remains of a wall and then ultimately be stopped completely by a passing background car blocking the exit to the road. But, I would need to find a good location for that of course, my thinking was some sort of an industrial area (hence the ending area of this unfinised version). That could prove to be a bit difficult, but I will look around of course.
I have a scene in mind to fill some more time as well, and it is a pretty easy one to do and can make for some good camera angles as well. Basically the getaway car pulls into a parking lot trying to get away, but then there's no way out so both cars do a nice squealing circle around the lot (which is empty, if I hadn't mentioned that already) and back out to the road. Plus I could isert some nice camera views like the camera attached to the door/fender and the cars going over the camera, etc... Just have to find a suitable empty parking lot with a not-to-busy road leading to it, which should not be terribly hard.
The music is something I definitely am keeping, becuase as a matter of fact I sort of centered the chase around it. Almost every day for the last few months I've been listing to the song and imagining in my mind the car chase. I like the fast, upbeat rock tone of it for the "mood" I want to have the chase be like. Better so than a somewhat slow "serious" music style like in Bullit (plus I already used that kind of music for the beginning anyway).
I guess I haven't mentioned this before, but the very beginning of the video is modeled alomost exactly after this (the only difference being that the note is handed from a car rather than a person on the street):

I have a scene in mind to fill some more time as well, and it is a pretty easy one to do and can make for some good camera angles as well. Basically the getaway car pulls into a parking lot trying to get away, but then there's no way out so both cars do a nice squealing circle around the lot (which is empty, if I hadn't mentioned that already) and back out to the road. Plus I could isert some nice camera views like the camera attached to the door/fender and the cars going over the camera, etc... Just have to find a suitable empty parking lot with a not-to-busy road leading to it, which should not be terribly hard.
The music is something I definitely am keeping, becuase as a matter of fact I sort of centered the chase around it. Almost every day for the last few months I've been listing to the song and imagining in my mind the car chase. I like the fast, upbeat rock tone of it for the "mood" I want to have the chase be like. Better so than a somewhat slow "serious" music style like in Bullit (plus I already used that kind of music for the beginning anyway).
I guess I haven't mentioned this before, but the very beginning of the video is modeled alomost exactly after this (the only difference being that the note is handed from a car rather than a person on the street):
Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 05:54:02, By taxiguy
Just my father and brother, no one special.

Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 07:39:13, By qwerty_86
Looks good. Definitely try and get some action shots with the camera out the window or something. I made a short video with my sister and I threw in some shots of her stomping on the pedals and moving the shifter and edited those short clips in before she drives into a cardboard target.
Also you can try to have a car drive towards the camera, but swerve at the last minute. You can end the video by taking a turn really fast and dive down an alley while the chaser has to do a handbrake turn to turn around to backtrack. Then from your POV the chaser drives right by you in front and you pull out and take off in the opposite direction.
Also you can try to have a car drive towards the camera, but swerve at the last minute. You can end the video by taking a turn really fast and dive down an alley while the chaser has to do a handbrake turn to turn around to backtrack. Then from your POV the chaser drives right by you in front and you pull out and take off in the opposite direction.
Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 09:08:37, By atom
Another thing, when you pass the railroad crossing it's a little lame, try to move the camera towards the car as they pass so it looks like the train is going at them, you could use a bike or so I guess.
About the end, you could simulate damage by parking the car 45 degrees to a wall, open the hood a few inches and screw the indicator loose so it hangs by it's wire.
It would be convincing if there comes somke from the engine compartment but I don't know how you should solve that in a good way...
About the end, you could simulate damage by parking the car 45 degrees to a wall, open the hood a few inches and screw the indicator loose so it hangs by it's wire.
It would be convincing if there comes somke from the engine compartment but I don't know how you should solve that in a good way...
Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 20:21:54, By ingo
Tönz' idea gave me annother one: you can make great shots, when you install the camera under the bumper, very close over the street-surface (possible only with remote control or something like that.
Car chase in the making
Published 07/07/2009 @ 22:34:47, By atom
Here is what I meant in my above comment:
The Caprice here have the indicator hanging, the car could be ok or a wreck, impossible to see from this view:
Another faked accident here, they have removed the door and hung some blue cloth over the fender to simulate damage (from Mission: Impossible):
The Caprice here have the indicator hanging, the car could be ok or a wreck, impossible to see from this view:
Another faked accident here, they have removed the door and hung some blue cloth over the fender to simulate damage (from Mission: Impossible):
Car chase in the making
Published 08/07/2009 @ 02:23:03, By taxiguy
I did some more filming today, but sadly discovered this:
The chase will have to be put on hold for a few days I guess...

The chase will have to be put on hold for a few days I guess...