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What an idiot!
Published 13/07/2009 @ 14:03:03, By dragonboy3000
Only the second new Ferrari California in Oz, and in my remote state of WA no less, and already is it impounded.
What a moron :crazy:

Latest Edition: 13/07/2009 @ 14:06:23
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What an idiot!
Published 13/07/2009 @ 16:39:23, By 93_Montero
That price in the article seems to be double what the car actually costs. There's no way in hell its over $400,000. That would be the worst $400,000 anybody has ever spent. It is very unattractive in my honest opinion.
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What an idiot!
Published 13/07/2009 @ 21:59:39, By antp
470 000 AU$ ≈ 370 000 US$ ... but indeed it seems still way too much, that car is listed at 181 000 € here in Belgium (≈ 253 000 US$)
Or maybe there are some high taxes on such car?

Latest Edition: 13/07/2009 @ 22:00:25
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What an idiot!
Published 14/07/2009 @ 01:45:35, By marioman3138
About 5 mins ago, I saw this on TV and was about to post it. :lol: And we do have a tax on luxuary cars (which this falls under)
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What an idiot!
Published 14/07/2009 @ 01:57:39, By dragonboy3000
Yeah luxury car tax, importing and a whole bunch of other stuff, it all adds up when us australians get the fancy cars over here that makes them more expensive then other places in the world
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What an idiot!
Published 14/07/2009 @ 20:31:09, By 93_Montero
Ah yes the tax....
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