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Flying Vauxhall Astra
Published 20/07/2009 @ 07:25:45, By 93_Montero
Skip to 8:10 for a flying Vauxhall Astra!

I don't think I've seen anything like that before :eek:
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Flying Vauxhall Astra
Published 20/07/2009 @ 07:54:25, By dragonboy3000
Being a top gear nutter, i had seen that before, but it is still cool.
For anyone intrested here's the company that did it:
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Flying Vauxhall Astra
Published 28/07/2009 @ 17:23:04, By sandwad
theres a whole load of them so far ive seen

the astra
skoda roomster
mk1 c clase
dodge viper and charger
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Flying Vauxhall Astra
Published 29/07/2009 @ 03:35:04, By dragonboy3000
IVe just looked at their gallery and theyve done even more than that!
Audi A6, BMW 1Series, 6-Series and 7 series, Chrysler Crossfire, DOdge Ram, Jeep Liberty, new Beetle, PT Cruiser and a Chevrolet Silverado
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