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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 24/08/2009 @ 07:36:14, By taxiguy
I've been looking through the listings of Ford Taurus police cars on the site (authentic ones that is) and I see that they are simply listed as trim levels such as "L" or "GL" and do not actually have "Police Package" in the name.

I think this should be changed, as the authentic police model Tauruses do not actually have trim levels. Therefore I think that the "L" and "GL" listings should be replaced simply with "Police Package" or at the very least have "Police Package" added to the description on top of trim level (though I think my first suggestion makes more sense).

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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 25/08/2009 @ 21:04:39, By ford_guy
When looking through the police-package Tauruses, did you not see the [55A]? That is the vehicle code Ford gave to these Tauruses. I already went through the Taurus pages a while back and designated all confirmed police-package Tauruses as such. So that work is more or less done.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 25/08/2009 @ 22:42:28, By taxiguy
But I still think it should say "police package" as the Crown Victorias do... otherwise they should be removed from those listings too. Things should be consistent.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 25/08/2009 @ 22:49:41, By ford_guy
Emm, the Crown Victorias say Police Interceptor because that is the official name of the cars (starting in 1999). It is a name that is only applied to that car. The Taurus did not use "Police-Package" as part of the official name. It's more of a generic title. I'd say it's better to use [55A] as that is the official code given only to the police-package Taurus. Believe me, I've thought about applying that name to other vehicles such as the Dodge Charger as I still have not come across a singular official name/code that is applied to their police-package Chargers. But I'd rather not include it in the information field as it's not official. I simply make note of it in the comments.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 25/08/2009 @ 23:20:48, By taxiguy
Hmm... did not use police package as a name, huh? :wink:
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 26/08/2009 @ 02:15:51, By ford_guy
Hmm, once again terrible wording on my part, I apologize. The reasoning behind my point is that on some brochures for police-package vehicles, the term "police-package" is used in a general term.

This is what was done with the Caprice brochures. Take a look at this one, for example:

It is referred to as a "police package" even though the Chevrolet Special Equipment Options code for most of its police vehicles is 9C1. Similarly speaking, the code for the police-package Ford Taurus is [55A] and I never used the police-package term because I wasn't sure whether it was appropriate or not.

So I hope you can understand my reasoning, although I am certainly not closed off to the idea of applying the term to the Taurus (and perhaps similarly to the Charger).
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 26/08/2009 @ 05:24:10, By taxiguy
Hmmm... I don't know. I just though it might be easier to search for them that way since "55A" isn't know by everybody (well anybody really) as being a police model. But whichever way is fine I guess, I mainly just wanted to get the trim levels out of there, and it looks like they are now, so that's good at least.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 26/08/2009 @ 23:18:21, By ford_guy
But why would the trim not belong there? It thought that even the police-package models had trim:
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 31/08/2009 @ 22:07:41, By ford_guy
Hmm you never did reply back taxiguy. Anyhow, I also wanted to say that at least with the Charger and the Taurus, maybe I could put in 'Police Package' in the extra info field with paranthesis. That would seem like a nice compromise. Heck, I could even do it with the one police-package Intrepid we have listed.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 01/09/2009 @ 01:01:19, By taxiguy
Sounds good to me, but to answer your doubt, trim levels certainly do not belong in there. I am very surprised you of all people would even consider that... I mean the point of a police package is to be a speical model in and of itself, it IS the trim level. After all you don't list Crown Victoria police models as "Standard" or "LX" so you wouldn't do that for any other cars either. A police package Taurus is not a "GL" or "L", it is simply a "Police Package".
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 01/09/2009 @ 02:26:27, By ford_guy
But weren't those Tauruses given trim names also? The issue about police-package Tauruses having come with trim or not is something I am not familiar with and by bringing it up here I'm actually asking about it. I'm not claiming it as fact. So understand my view that if I find a picture of a police-package Taurus that says "L" on the door (the link I provided earlier from the Blues Brothers 2000), then I question why it shouldn't be inputed in the extra info field as well. Who knows, maybe for some dumb idea Ford decided to add a trim name to those Tauruses.

Latest Edition: 01/09/2009 @ 02:26:54
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 01/09/2009 @ 05:14:31, By taxiguy
It would really be helpful to have a factory brochure for one of them... :think:
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 01/09/2009 @ 06:21:46, By qwerty_86
The factory brochures (for civilian models) do not list the police package:

The police/fleet models came with a special owner's manual also:

This '94 has GL trim on the body-side molding:

This article says that it is a Taurus L with a special options package:

Latest Edition: 01/09/2009 @ 06:23:23
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 01/09/2009 @ 07:06:05, By ford_guy
So that pretty much solves it then. Since even the police package Tauruses had different trims (for whatever odd reason) then they should be listed also.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 02/09/2009 @ 06:08:25, By qwerty_86
What do you mean different trims? The reason why the '94 is badged as a GL was because Ford discontinued the L trim in '93. GL was the lowest trim from '94 to '95.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 02/09/2009 @ 08:02:20, By ford_guy
I meant different trims throughout it's "life span"(the changeover from L to GL). By the way, I thought that 1992 was the last year for the L. At least that's what jj_john_johnny has always said.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 03/09/2009 @ 09:10:49, By qwerty_86
Yes '92 was the last year for the L. It was discontinued starting in '93.
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Ford Taurus Police Package
Published 11/09/2009 @ 23:24:13, By ford_guy

All police-package Chargers, Tauruses, and our one Intrepid now have "Police Package" written in the extra information section with quotation marks.
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