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End of production of the Mk1 VW Golf
Published 02/11/2009 @ 16:38:49, By antp
The last Citi Golf has been made in South-Africa...
Sad, I found it nice :grin:
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End of production of the Mk1 VW Golf
Published 03/11/2009 @ 20:52:11, By BlackIce_RS
I thought it would be really cool to put a newer 1.8T in one of those, since they're so light.
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End of production of the Mk1 VW Golf
Published 03/11/2009 @ 23:39:37, By antp
They still had an engine equivalent to the GTI, it must have been already nice
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End of production of the Mk1 VW Golf
Published 05/11/2009 @ 00:22:38, By Gag Halfrunt
I've found a South African article about the history of the Citi Golf:

And there's a farewell limited edition, the Citi Mk1. One thousand will be sold:

And here's a photo of the last Citi Golf coming off the production line. It was the 517,384th mark one Golf to be made.
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