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If the Ford LTD were made today
Published 07/12/2009 @ 02:23:31, By Ddey65
I just found a forum that showed what a 1965 full-size Ford Galaxie 500 LTD would look like if it were made today.

:eek: :boggled:

Sadly, this is what passes as a full-size car in this day and age.
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If the Ford LTD were made today
Published 07/12/2009 @ 11:46:37, By antp
nice, it looks like an UK car :grin:
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If the Ford LTD were made today
Published 09/12/2009 @ 19:00:54, By chicomarx
Does look cute.

Are you suggesting that Americans are forced into compact cars now? If it were made today it'd look like an SUV/army truck... :wink:
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If the Ford LTD were made today
Published 09/12/2009 @ 22:00:17, By Ddey65
Does look cute.


Are you suggesting that Americans are forced into compact cars now?

They most certainly have been since 1977.

If it were made today it'd look like an SUV/army truck... :wink:

Not really, because the SUV's and other light-duty trucks have been used to compensate for the loss of full-size cars.
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If the Ford LTD were made today
Published 12/12/2009 @ 21:18:59, By qwerty_86
That's what would happen if it was an economy car, not if it was made today.

BTW, the EPA class sizes are based on interior passenger and cargo space, not exterior dimensions. That's why a brand new Mustang is still considered a compact car even though it's the size of a Fusion.
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