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Cars & Movies » 1987 buick grand National
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1987 buick grand National
Published 04/01/2010 @ 21:54:19, By sunkistroses401
Ok i use the site a lot to help me write an article on a bulletin board for a myspace app... I love to include movies that the car has been in granted this is probably the dumbest car i've ever had to do an article on... but i would like to know of any movies this car has been in asap... so if anyone has any ideas write me on yahoo im sunkistroses401... also if you would please add the car to your site it would be much appreciated :smile:

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Rachel Finn :smile:
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1987 buick grand National
Published 04/01/2010 @ 22:58:32, By antp
:confused: what is your request exactly?
You can find movies in which the car appears by doing a search on that car model on the site. Else what should be added on the site, as you request it?
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1987 buick grand National
Published 05/01/2010 @ 12:47:33, By vilero
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