General » Too background?
Too background?
Published 09/02/2010 @ 06:02:12, By owlman
I just added this movie but decided not to include these cars because they are too blurry/background. Do you agree? They look like cool old cars but is it hopeless to try to identify such fuzzy pictures?

Too background?
Published 09/02/2010 @ 10:35:04, By antp
Indeed usually cars seen through the windshield should be avoided (except for especially interesting cars, or when the car is rather big on screen, but not when actors are more visible than the car)
On the last one, if it is for the truck it could be listed I think.
On the last one, if it is for the truck it could be listed I think.
Too background?
Published 05/04/2010 @ 00:19:02, By owlman
Too background?
Published 05/04/2010 @ 01:43:33, By antp
for the 2-star I'd say it is ok
for the two others, maybe, yes
for the two others, maybe, yes
Too background?
Published 05/04/2010 @ 05:19:14, By owlman
OK, I'll post them and let the validating admin make the final decision.
edit: The news ones did not survive validation
Latest Edition: 05/04/2010 @ 17:30:59
edit: The news ones did not survive validation

Latest Edition: 05/04/2010 @ 17:30:59