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Naming invitation
Published 23/11/2020 @ 03:40:36, By Ddey65
This car looks like either the Dodge Intrepid or Chrysler Concorde. I'm leaning towards the Intrepid, but I could be wrong.

Aww, dammit! Now I just starting thinking of the idea of a DeSoto version!

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Naming invitation
Published 23/11/2020 @ 05:58:13, By Baube
my 1st idea was Honda Accord but some details don't fit
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Naming invitation
Published 23/11/2020 @ 23:43:23, By JB007
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Naming invitation
Published 01/09/2021 @ 15:53:40, By Ddey65
Did I ask about this bus yet?
Because the logo on the front looks very familiar.
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Naming invitation
Published 01/09/2021 @ 19:39:31, By rjluna2
@Ddey65: I have identified this bus by 2014 Freightliner chassis by the NY plate 24303BB. For the body, I don't know :sad: I have updated the page :smile:
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Naming invitation
Published 12/09/2021 @ 14:59:33, By Sombritude
Did I ask about this bus yet?
Because the logo on the front looks very familiar.

That's a Stallion Bus. A Chinese-made Higer with local US parts.
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Naming invitation
Published 20/09/2021 @ 05:46:40, By Ddey65
How about this small sedan wrecked behind the Jeep in this mudslide in Yonkers after Hurricane Ida?

I feel like I should already know, but I can't be 100% sure this time.

Latest Edition: 20/09/2021 @ 05:48:39
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Naming invitation
Published 20/09/2021 @ 05:59:44, By Baube
2014-2016 Toyota Corolla S
( giving the full range as i don't remember when Ida happened )

ouch. that recent.... maybe i should look at something else than hockey news from time to time... :whistle:

Latest Edition: 20/09/2021 @ 06:02:07
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Naming invitation
Published 26/12/2021 @ 03:56:03, By Ddey65
Thanks. Now for this white SUV on the right. I feel like I should know it already.;_2021-11-22.jpg
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Naming invitation
Published 26/12/2021 @ 13:12:13, By Ddey65
Thanks. The "A-Spec" logo threw me off.
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Naming invitation
Published 01/10/2022 @ 22:43:40, By Ddey65
Okay, another one. This tour bus in South Florida. You're not going to see anything like this on the road at this time, let alone any of their other buses.,_NPSPhoto,_R._Cammauf_(9099705063).jpg
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Naming invitation
Published 01/10/2022 @ 23:04:58, By Baube
Shark Valley.. i guess Alligator was already taken... :whistle:

looks like it got early 90's International trucks head lights but other than that...

Latest Edition: 01/10/2022 @ 23:05:15
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Naming invitation
Published 24/01/2023 @ 02:00:19, By Ddey65
Maybe this might be easier. This white sedan on the left looks like an Australian version of an American mid-sized car.
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Naming invitation
Published 24/01/2023 @ 11:26:53, By marioman3138
Thats a 70s Nissan Gloria
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Naming invitation
Published 24/01/2023 @ 12:30:32, By Jnglmpera
Late 60s rather than 70s, but yes, a Gloria. The two other white cars are a Skyline (R30? R31? I always get these mixed up...) and an E90 Sprinter Trueno. The red one looks like a Lancer but I need to double check.
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Naming invitation
Published 24/01/2023 @ 21:41:56, By Exiv96
The red one is a Lancer EX (A170), and the Skyline is an R31.
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Naming invitation
Published 28/08/2023 @ 15:51:13, By Ddey65
Good. Now what about this Con Ed van in the Hillcrest section of Queens?
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Naming invitation
Published 29/08/2023 @ 15:00:12, By rjluna2
Good. Now what about this Con Ed van in the Hillcrest section of Queens?

I got: NY plate 68792mj


I have added the category to that page.
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Naming invitation
Published 14/10/2023 @ 20:04:58, By Ddey65
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Naming invitation
Published 21/11/2023 @ 23:22:48, By Ddey65
Another one to ask about. k_29.jpg/640px-Brockway_hauling_a_Mack_29.jpg
Is there any chance that black Mack truck being hauled by the Brockway is an L-Series?

Latest Edition: 21/11/2023 @ 23:23:40
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