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Published 16/03/2010 @ 05:05:52, By 93_Montero
A car used briefly in Rescue Me. I apologize about the window open in the picture.
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Published 16/03/2010 @ 19:26:01, By 93_Montero
Any ideas?
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Published 16/03/2010 @ 21:34:18, By 93_Montero
YES! Antoine I think you have it.
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Published 18/03/2010 @ 10:19:36, By APS221
The top link is the Plymouth Duster from "Death Sentence."

The bottom link looks like the Dodge Charger ( ) and Cadillac Escalade ( ) from "Street Kings."

Latest Edition: 18/03/2010 @ 10:26:43
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Published 18/03/2010 @ 10:39:45, By Tanaver
Thanks a lot. You have right. Amazing.
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Published 18/03/2010 @ 16:06:36, By owlman
I recently saw a photo of a car badge/emblem that had a bull up on its hind legs. Sort of like the Ferrari badge, but with a bull. But now I've forgotten what make it was :alarmclock118: Does anyone know? Or was I dreaming...
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Published 18/03/2010 @ 16:25:24, By antp
Lamborghini ?
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Published 18/03/2010 @ 16:47:30, By owlman
No, I seem to remember it bucking or standing up on its back legs.

Latest Edition: 18/03/2010 @ 17:15:17
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Published 18/03/2010 @ 20:11:29, By APS221
I found a California coach builder called n2a (no 2 alike) ( ), they build a car called the Anteros. The badge is a winged bull on its hind legs.

This blog post ( ) seems to idicate that the company was once called Anteros Coachworks.
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Published 22/03/2010 @ 09:10:59, By Tanaver
Do you recognizite this car? Thanks.
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Published 08/04/2010 @ 09:37:41, By Tanaver
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Published 08/04/2010 @ 11:25:59, By antp
last one is a Ford Fusion (US model)
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Published 08/04/2010 @ 12:35:44, By Lateef
1st one is the '70 Chevy Nova from Ali G Indahouse:

Latest Edition: 08/04/2010 @ 12:36:33
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Published 08/04/2010 @ 12:48:01, By Tanaver
Thanks guys.
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