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Cars & Movies » How to get movie car documentation???
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How to get movie car documentation???
Published 20/02/2011 @ 06:23:11, By cspecken
Hi, I recently purchased a 1974 Triumph TR6 and was told by the previous owner the car was used in the movie Three Men and A Baby. My question is, how can I obtain documentation on this? He said that the person he purchased the car from stated that in order for a car to be in a movie it has to have documentation through the Screen Actors Guild. I am not sure if this is true, or not. If anyone has any contact info that maybe helpful, it would be greatly appreciated.

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How to get movie car documentation???
Published 20/02/2011 @ 22:42:24, By ingo
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How to get movie car documentation???
Published 20/02/2011 @ 22:49:44, By Sandie
Speak to the movie studio and hopefully they would be able to help or put you in contact with someone who can.

There will doubtlessly be someone somewhere who can prove it and give you information.
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