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New features
Published 24/04/2011 @ 19:27:21, By fck
I didn't found similiar topic, so I thought I'd be great idea to make one. I think it could be really helpful to antp.

There's some things I really miss:

1. Option "show all comments for your movies". For now I have to bookmark all titles I added few weeks before and checking it all looking for a name for unknown cars (some time ago i add a lot vehicles from afar "unknown" pages which were missed by admins) or interesting discussion.

2. And a second things while we're talking about discussion. Antp, I'll put your portrait in a golden frame and hang on the wall next to my notebook. The only thing to do is NOTIFICATIONS: links to new comments where I was quoted.

Any other ideas?

Latest Edition: 24/04/2011 @ 19:27:34
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New features
Published 24/04/2011 @ 19:58:09, By antp
I started to work on a new version of the site to add lots of missing things, instead of adding things one by one usually "badly" because doing that in a the way that requires the less possible changes (like what I did for contributions: it could have been done in a better way).
So all new features like that will take some time. But do not worry, this will arrive some day.
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New features
Published 24/04/2011 @ 20:19:09, By fck
Yea, I remember. OK, time is not so important (for now I'm really busy with Rinspeed's Web Car Story), I'm trying to help you about eventual things you can include into new IMCDB.

By the way about Ad2: Also notification about new cars and comments which user subscribe (clicking a star or smth) will be also welcome.

Latest Edition: 24/04/2011 @ 20:19:49
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New features
Published 28/04/2011 @ 16:44:15, By owlman
I agree, #1 would be really cool.

As for #2, you can just search for you name in the comments search field; that's a pretty good substitute. (assuming you were properly quoted)
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New features
Published 03/05/2011 @ 15:33:52, By Sandie
I don't know if this is doable but would it be possible to have a feature where you can see all comments about a particular model of car which will allow someone to get information about identifying changes between various models without having to check every page?
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New features
Published 03/05/2011 @ 17:09:11, By antp
With the current database schema it is too heavy for the server.
But in the next version it should be possible (and probably one of the interesting feature indeed).
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New features
Published 03/05/2011 @ 18:08:18, By atom
I think it would be nice if there was some drop down list or similar with pre defined options when adding/renaming cars plus the options to type in a new make to the site, sometimes there is spelling errors (like Massey Ferguson / Massey-Ferguson) that could be skipped with such feature.
Maybe a similar system like that google have if you know what I mean?

Also when having predefined makes and models, we could maybe have a small Wikipedia-like info page about that model with info more interesting to us (than the actual Wikipedia page) like MY changes, color codes etc.

With such info page it would also be possible to see all rebadged vehicles under one page that can't be found in the present system (like Talbot/Simca/Chrysler).
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New features
Published 03/05/2011 @ 18:58:32, By Neptune
You mean where the system displays relative names based on what is being typed. Then the admin could select the appropriate name. Yes, that would be a helpful feature. I don’t know how many times I wished for a feature like that.
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New features
Published 03/05/2011 @ 19:27:58, By antp
@atom > all of that is planned :wink:
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New features
Published 06/06/2012 @ 14:48:18, By weasel1984
Dot as separator.

Many manufacturers of trucks and buses use dots to separate the main name of the model from the sub-version - "yyy.zz" (like here: ). Is it possible we can do the same? I mean dot would make two links instead of one, same like it is in case of "-" now.

Latest Edition: 06/06/2012 @ 14:50:35
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New features
Published 06/06/2012 @ 15:27:10, By antp
done, I hope it won't cause strange things on other names
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New features
Published 06/06/2012 @ 18:21:06, By Gomsel
I think interesting, one link in the "built in" with any reference about the city/place of the factory. Example: Focus II - Built in: Argentina (and next, the link of General Pacheco Plant - just one pic or the name -).
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New features
Published 06/06/2012 @ 21:07:22, By antp
just filling the country info is already lots of work

This could maybe be added in the future when models will be better managed, we could have some info page for each vehicle model (as opposition to current where we only have pages for movie and vehicle roles)

Latest Edition: 06/06/2012 @ 21:08:51
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New features
Published 07/06/2012 @ 02:02:39, By Gomsel
It's easy, don't joke my ideas, right? for sure extists the correct info about the places of the factory. And, i wrote any important: you choose one of the options: the link with a picture or just put the name when you pass the mouse in the flag or something similar.

For the better managment, have an interesting number of users who knows the exaclty place of made.
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New features
Published 07/06/2012 @ 10:04:35, By antp
I didn't say it was difficult to find to info.
I said it was a lot of work to enter on EACH vehicle.
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New features
Published 07/06/2012 @ 13:54:42, By weasel1984
done, I hope it won't cause strange things on other names

OK - thank you :king: We will test.

P.S. Mixed feelings about the wiki-alike addition after all those years, when on identifications worked many people in comments. Now it all would be "overshadowed" by one wiki-alike article. Well just my opinion.
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New features
Published 08/06/2012 @ 02:28:08, By Gomsel
I can't think this, not many job... can understand?
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New features
Published 08/06/2012 @ 02:38:57, By owlman
Also when having predefined makes and models, we could maybe have a small Wikipedia-like info page about that model with info more interesting to us (than the actual Wikipedia page) like MY changes, color codes etc.

I think it's a great idea. There is a wealth of information from users that is scattered among the comments; it could be much more useful and accessible in one page. You could even have links to certain vehicles that are good examples of specific years/trims.
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New features
Published 08/06/2012 @ 17:31:08, By G-MANN
The only thing to do is NOTIFICATIONS: links to new comments where I was quoted.

Wouldn't this just encourage pointless quoting? (eg. people quoting the comment immediately above theirs) Some people have a bad habit of doing this already.
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New features
Published 09/06/2012 @ 01:46:44, By Neptune
Forgive me if this has been mentioned before (I can’t find anything regarding it), but I would like to see an addition class for a vehicle’s condition: factory correct, modified, or heavily modified (or some similar formal listing)

Perhaps listed below or beside the current class which lists the vehicle body type and model origin.

Presently we just list "modified", "custom", or something similar in the extra info field, but some vehicles that are factory correct have trim levels called Custom or some version of it, so that does not look right, and could confuse or probably has confused site visitors.

Furthermore, it would be easy for any of us to discern if a vehicle was factory correct or not, even ones heavily modified. So selecting which class to put it in would not take the intelligence level of a rocket scientist.

Just a thought...
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