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Old contributions (archive) » [N/A] Mercedes SLK [Comando Tiburon - Vete Ya]
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[N/A] Mercedes SLK [Comando Tiburon - Vete Ya]
Published 02/07/2011 @ 13:07:34, By wolf
I found a Mercedes SLK from Comando Tiburon - Vete Ya
File: slk.jpg ( 85.8 KB - 592 )

Latest Edition: 11/01/2012 @ 11:37:19
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Mercedes SLK [Comando Tiburon - Vete Ya]
Published 08/07/2011 @ 18:06:33, By vilero
You must redo the contribution. The Mercedes is just a background vehicle and we don't list this kind of vehicles for music videos except if they are rares. The really star of the video is a red BMW convertible 3*** .
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Mercedes SLK [Comando Tiburon - Vete Ya]
Published 08/07/2011 @ 21:57:53, By antp
No, we do not list background traffic from music videos. This is not background traffic, it is part of the music video despite being background...
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Mercedes SLK [Comando Tiburon - Vete Ya]
Published 11/01/2012 @ 11:37:01, By vilero
^^ Anyway user is who should submit the whole contribution in a music video and not only part of it. 186 days without answer is time enough to be sent to archive.
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