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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 19:14:22, By Lateef

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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 19:55:10, By rjluna2
This is riot, Lateef at the first panel :rofl: I even missed your orginial mis-spelling.

So, the Crown Vic is indeed becoming you :blackman: :alph-one:

Latest Edition: 28/09/2012 @ 19:56:23
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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 20:21:47, By Lateef
I had a mis-spelling in my third comic as well. I meant so say "ORLY?", but it turned out to be "OLY?" :grin: Well, it sounds similar at least.

Latest Edition: 28/09/2012 @ 20:22:06
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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 22:27:49, By Neon
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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 22:59:14, By antp
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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 23:01:48, By karoomay
This can apply to any generic cartoon car that those annoying users try to indentify

Scumbag admin

This happens to me from time to time :tongue:

Latest Edition: 28/09/2012 @ 23:03:41
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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 23:10:24, By Sandie
:lol: I know that feeling.
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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 23:40:07, By Lateef
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IMCDb memes
Published 28/09/2012 @ 23:58:39, By karoomay
LOL :lol: :dawaking:
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IMCDb memes
Published 29/09/2012 @ 08:58:40, By owlman
Grandma Gomselma is scary! :king:

Quote From: Andre Malraux
...I'm afraid I'm not capable to post pics on the site. Is too complicated for me. :whistle:
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IMCDb memes
Published 29/09/2012 @ 19:59:45, By rjluna2
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IMCDb memes
Published 29/09/2012 @ 21:38:09, By rjluna2
Here is one I questioned about a vehicle at IMCDb and got a reply:

I'm sure someone uploaded lots of pictures for a movie page, but gets this:
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 00:01:09, By Nightrider
OMG. OMG, guys, you're made my night!
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 00:28:15, By Nightrider
But...where is Ingo-memes?
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 00:49:24, By Lateef
^ why don't you make one? :smile:

I might make one, but currently I'm fresh out of ideas. I have only made two comics not yet posted.
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 00:59:34, By Nightrider
I'm afraid that I'm not good enough for that.)

I think you should post that two ones.)
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:07:58, By Andre Malraux
But...where is Ingo-memes?

And Nightrider's?
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:13:36, By Andre Malraux
I have an idea, but I know nothing about how to make it real. Nightrider drives a Volga and sais: "What a soviet crap! Only Andre can be so stupid to love such a car!".

Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 01:14:03
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:17:32, By Nightrider

And Nightrider's?

Wut? I don't think, that I provide enough resources for memes.)
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:22:52, By Andre Malraux

Maybe your name should be added here? :wink:

BTW, this is Ingo's meme.

Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 01:26:06
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IMCDb memes
Published 30/09/2012 @ 01:28:38, By Andre Malraux
OMG, is 2,26 AM! I'm going to bed, good night (ride).

Latest Edition: 30/09/2012 @ 23:57:07
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