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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 26/10/2012 @ 16:08:53, By Raul1983
We are approaching a big milestone in IMCDb history. The number of vehicles is about to exceed half a million. We should accomplish this by next sunday or monday. Congrats to everyone!


Latest Edition: 26/10/2012 @ 16:09:30
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 26/10/2012 @ 22:33:49, By garco
Good job!
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 27/10/2012 @ 00:23:39, By Ddey65
I'll try to bring it to that mark over the weekend, but I can't make any promises.
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 27/10/2012 @ 00:33:52, By Gomsel
Alright... but you can validate this and add 12 newer vehicles to the 500.000
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 27/10/2012 @ 00:35:39, By antp
The unvalidated vehicles are already counted in that :tongue:
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 27/10/2012 @ 15:12:07, By atom
...and we have crossed the 500000 vehicle limit!
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 27/10/2012 @ 19:09:03, By dsl
Which one was it? Did anyone manage to make it a S**b?
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 27/10/2012 @ 19:28:32, By atom
The number was at 499995 when I added three cars, when I refreshed the page again the number was at 500002.

I think the 500000 vehicle could have been this one:
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 28/10/2012 @ 02:04:28, By antp
I made a mistake previously: non-validated vehicles are not counted in the stats :whistle:

With a query in the database if I ask the 500000th record (only amongst validated ones) I get
So that may change if some vehicles waiting to be validated are validated.
If I do it amongst all vehicles, I get
Both can change if there are deletions.

Latest Edition: 28/10/2012 @ 02:07:21
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 28/10/2012 @ 03:19:22, By Gomsel
are validated (ignored by... all, i don't know why), but some admins, like a c**p... sorry, but im better and the only educated people :wink:
Completely unfair and discriminatory some PEOPLE.

Latest Edition: 28/10/2012 @ 03:20:49
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 28/10/2012 @ 10:20:17, By antp
Ignored by all for the simple reason you call everyone crap etc.
The only discrimination is towards insulting people :tongue:
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 28/10/2012 @ 14:49:00, By G-MANN
Thing is there's probably thousands of vehicles that may not be worth listing or could be regrouped... :whistle:
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 29/10/2012 @ 14:31:54, By rjluna2
Sounds like fun, G-MANN :smile:
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 03/11/2012 @ 18:38:09, By Gomsel
well, BETTER contribus WAITING VALIDATION to reach the 500,000... regards
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 05/11/2012 @ 15:38:52, By Ddey65
In spite of the condition of my PC, I was able to add over a dozen vehicles from this title:
And I've got supplemental images once they're approved. The only thing I haven't got are some cars in a chase scene, and the ones from the Apollo 11 Parade scenes.

If we're already at 500,000, this should send it a lot higher.

Latest Edition: 05/11/2012 @ 15:39:58
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 05/11/2012 @ 16:57:30, By antp
If you read all posts above you can see that the 500 000 th was already reached :wink:
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 05/11/2012 @ 19:18:42, By Ddey65
Yeah, but I thought there was some debate about it, not to mention a desire to invalidate some.
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Getting closer to 500,000 vehicles
Published 06/11/2012 @ 00:03:05, By atom
Yeah, but we're at 503000 right now and we won't delete 3000 entrys in a jiffy I will tell you that!
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