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IMCDb Picture List Capacity
Published 07/11/2012 @ 19:27:28, By Ddey65
Since my profile contains two big pages of pictures provided, I've been wondering; How many more titles will I have to add before it spills over onto a third page?
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IMCDb Picture List Capacity
Published 07/11/2012 @ 20:09:56, By kegare
100 titles per page.
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IMCDb Picture List Capacity
Published 08/11/2012 @ 10:50:07, By antp
you could simply count how many were on the first page :grin:
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IMCDb Picture List Capacity
Published 08/11/2012 @ 12:06:43, By karoomay
I believe stronghold has the largest number of contributions which spans 28 pages in the "pictures provided" list.
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Published 08/11/2012 @ 15:07:18, By Raul1983
I think Antp is in second place with 21 pages and Jale in third place with 20 pages in the pictures provided list.
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IMCDb Picture List Capacity
Published 08/11/2012 @ 16:18:33, By owlman
In other words about 10% of all the movies on the site are from stronghold :aaah:
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IMCDb Picture List Capacity
Published 08/11/2012 @ 17:02:28, By antp
2788 stronghold
2015 antp
2000 Jale
1318 sixcyl
1181 vilero
930 garco
876 Alessandro58
808 Gomselmash11
803 atom
758 Weasel1984
740 coopey
681 Ralph
656 afonso
648 Dickkiller
614 no_car
527 ahight
503 walter
488 wickey
469 Rinspeed
466 sandwad2
460 CarChasesFanatic
452 DAF555
441 Raul1983
422 chicomarx
384 kegare
378 Lateef
365 francisharley
364 Taco
343 gliffhanger
341 fck
333 G-MANN
310 Bebert
285 JB
280 Kooshmeister
266 owlman
255 3loader
245 boogieman
234 Bonnascope
228 93montero
222 modell
220 Wampa-One
209 opal
209 Sunbar
208 badlymad

Latest Edition: 08/11/2012 @ 17:02:49
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IMCDb Picture List Capacity
Published 09/11/2012 @ 22:03:52, By Gomsel
Another excellent notice for the best and unique south-american contribuitor (yes, Gomselmash11). And the only non-admin (actually, insulted by many admins, without reason - maybe simply envy or something similar thing -).
I go for more... pity, for these sad people.
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Published 10/11/2012 @ 00:48:36, By antp
I was sure that we could get a comment like that from you :tongue:
And the next non-admin in that list is from some other south-American country :whistle:
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Published 10/11/2012 @ 11:13:10, By sandwad
Surprised I'm that high up?!
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Published 12/11/2012 @ 20:35:43, By 93_Montero
I made the list :sol:

Surprised I'm that high up?!

Yeah but you don't add thumbnails...

If I was admin it would be hard to resist deleting comments like "Toyota pick-up?"

That's one of many examples or tonkatracker's comment here:

I know the difference between a Wrangler and a CJ-7 even though I added this later...

I was completely distracted when adding Backlight thinking about this girl in the movie that runs full speed down this dock and dives, which I also like diving. Now tonkatracker's comment has to stay there for all eternity and I have to say it would be difficult to stop myself from editing his comment.

Latest Edition: 12/11/2012 @ 21:15:02
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Published 12/11/2012 @ 22:15:15, By owlman
I compared that list to one antp posted 31/7/2010.

Movies added in the last 28 months
1254 Jale
684 Alessandro58
611 Gomselmash11
567-656 afonso*
543 vilero
486 Dickkiller
420 antp
379 stronghold
377-466 sandwad2*
347 sixcyl
295-384 kegare*
275-364 Taco*
258 Lateef
236 walter
199 Weasel1984
195 JB
179 atom
178 Raul1983
170 chicomarx
166-255 3loader*
161 owlman
152 garco
141 Bonnascope
138-228 93montero*
129 boogieman
120-209 opal*
112 coopey
95 badlymad
64 DAF555
56 fck
56 Kooshmeister
36 wickey
17 CarChasesFanatic
15 modell
12 Ralph
12 Sunbar
8 no_car
7 francisharley
3 Bebert
2 gliffhanger
0 ahight
0 Wampa-One
-4 Rinspeed

Users with a * weren't on the old list (which stopped at 89), so I gave a range.

Poor Rinspeed had a net of four movies deleted in the past two years? :na:

Latest Edition: 12/11/2012 @ 22:16:57
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Published 12/11/2012 @ 23:16:25, By antp
:figti: It is possible that we deleted a few non-fiction TV shows added by him when we enforced the rules about that, and he probably didn't add new things in the meantime like others did.
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Published 14/11/2012 @ 05:36:30, By Gomsel
Third in the last 28 months with 611 contributions... comments? (nice comments, not lacks of respect against me of some people).

PS: aah, 612 with

PS2: with this excellent contrib are better than "others" :sol:

Latest Edition: 14/11/2012 @ 05:37:56
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