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Cars & Movies » VCOF?
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Published 07/03/2014 @ 15:48:44, By eLMeR
What means "VCOF" in "International Harvester VCOF"?

When searching picture of "international harvester vcof" on Bing images, the first 25 or 30 images are from... IMCDb. The only website to use this name? :smile:
In fact no... as the next pictures on Bing are from a website that seems to have a lot of copy of pictures taken from IMCDb. Is the site made by someone also contributing to IMCDb?
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Published 07/03/2014 @ 16:50:28, By kegare
It was an official name. The V is for V-Line (a series of V-8 engines) CO is for Cab over. I'm not sure about the F, it might be for the axle setup. It has been suggested before on our website that VCOF might be for single rear axle setup and VCO is for tandem rear axles but it might be incorrect according to these sources:$(KGrHqF,!qsFIdhkrtK0BSIyfI0f)g~~60_12.JPG

Thus, some trucks on the website might be mislabeled. and similar other domains are automated web crawlers. They should be avoided.

Latest Edition: 07/03/2014 @ 20:45:36
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Published 07/03/2014 @ 21:35:17, By eLMeR
Thus, some trucks on the website might be mislabeled.

I think some cars too :smile:
Errare humanum est (perseverare diabolicum) and similar other domains are automated web crawlers. They should be avoided.

I understand why these website seem so empty.

Thanks for the explanations!
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