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Amazed user
Published 04/11/2014 @ 11:48:54, By Sam67
I come here to identify vehicles in movies. That's true. :boidleau:
I'm amazed because each time I search for a title, and I am a tv addict, its vehicle content is on IMCDb and with great accuracy.
Are the active user here some kind of pundit in the automobile industry ?
I would have never guessed Terminator could drive a Winnebago not to mention Michael Myers at the steering Wheel of an Econoline and so on ...
Anyway keep on the identification and mainly keep this free ! :banzai:
Here are a few models to add in your db. werewolves_page_18_by_lonewarrior20-d68xebs.jpg
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Amazed user in China
Published 10/09/2015 @ 15:15:14, By Sam67
Good morning,
I need an identification for some cars models in a serial which counts 46 issue.
However my identification request is limited in cars from the first one.
The story takes place in China 1961. One model, an old bus, bears a chinese sign as a brand symbol.
There's also an ambulance and a front-wheel drive but I'm mainly after the bus.
What can I do ?
Thank you

Latest Edition: 10/09/2015 @ 15:17:46
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Amazed user
Published 12/10/2015 @ 01:57:12, By DidierF
Hello! (Bonjour !)

First, your pics are too "flat".

For the bus, it smells a copy of Czech bus mid-50s to mid-60s but I wouldn't tell more.

Third, the ambulance is a (copy of? probably no) Dodge WC 51 with modified cabin and body.
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Amazed user
Published 12/10/2015 @ 08:34:01, By Sam67
What do you mean with my pics ?
Poor Resolution ?

Wikipedia gives a thorough List of Chinese car manufacturers.
It may be a BAW bus from the Beijing Automobiles Holding or a model from Dadi. Auto for the symbol has a similar shape but it's only one of the first items. Could also be another brand. This list bears so much entries.
Thank you anyway

Latest Edition: 12/10/2015 @ 08:37:34
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Amazed user
Published 12/10/2015 @ 19:52:14, By DidierF
I meant that the proportions were not right: too wide, or not enough height.
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Amazed user
Published 13/10/2015 @ 09:09:09, By Sam67
It's not from a Blu-ray otherwise pics would have had a better look. It's a web serial. ; you don't have many choice about the aspect. There's barely fullscreen or double sized. I don't think it can be found in DVD box set not to mention Blu-ray.Not in my country anyway. France.
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Amazed user
Published 17/10/2015 @ 23:15:38, By Gag Halfrunt
I suspect that the bus is a replica made for film use of a Chinese clone of the Skoda 706 RO:,490865,0,__koda_706RO_206.html

The bus has styling features from the Skoda, but the body is too rectangular and boxy. The front axle is also too narrow.

Latest Edition: 18/10/2015 @ 11:26:40
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Amazed user
Published 18/10/2015 @ 08:01:35, By Sam67
Did the chinese brand indeed apply their sign on a Czeck bus -that would be a chinese trick but also a bit of a fraud- or was it the only model available for the making of the serial and the serial staff have applied a chinese sign to remind that the story take place in the 60s China? Thanks for your research
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