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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 11/12/2024 @ 20:09:05, By night cub
VW experts, year of this T1 Bus? What year added the reverse lights? 1966? 1967? 40-IMG_8589 [/url]40-IMG_8574

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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 12/12/2024 @ 09:39:33, By antp
For cars identifiers, there was this other thread made by Harold B: 90628
I post it here in case it was just missed, if someone can help

Latest Edition: 12/12/2024 @ 09:40:00
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 12/12/2024 @ 13:27:14, By Exiv96
I need your help in identifying the model of this vehicles?

Thank you for your answer.

Zoom on the grille and you'll see "MB 800".
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 12/12/2024 @ 13:30:21, By Exiv96
Hi, anyone knows what the two-tone car is? Thanks in advance.

Opel Ascona B converted to a hatchback.
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 12/12/2024 @ 13:46:15, By rjluna2
VW experts, year of this T1 Bus? What year added the reverse lights? 1966? 1967?

Mandatory backup lights were introduced in 1967 model year, but I'm not sure about the optional backup lights were made before that :think:
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 01/01/2025 @ 13:17:17, By Ddey65
Why am I having such a hard time figuring out that 1930's sedan behind the Ford Falcon here.
That grille is really throwing me off, but it looks familiar.
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 01/01/2025 @ 14:34:32, By atom
Looks like a 1939 Chevrolet to me.
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