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Bears prefer minivans rather than sports cars
Published 17/01/2015 @ 02:44:08, By eLMeR
To avoid any possible confusion, bears stands here for my pals with teeth and claws, not for the humans that claim that name too :wink:

A (weird?) study has been made in 2009: what car is more likely to be targeted by bears for vehicle break-ins in Yosemite National Park...
Conclusion is:
"Black bears forage selectively to balance energetic and nutritional gains with foraging costs. Selection of minivans by bears in Yosemite National Park was the likely consequence of efforts to maximize caloric gain and minimize costs by targeting vehicles with higher probabilities of payoff".
Here is the article of about that study.

In a nutshell, in addition to being big, having huge claws and running fast, bears are also clever. Forget the teddy bear look, and never try to play with them :tinostar:
(I know it's not a minivan, but it's the picture of the article. And how could I resist to a picture showing a bear AND a '67 El Camino? :ddr555: )

Latest Edition: 17/01/2015 @ 03:01:52
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Bears prefer minivans rather than sports cars
Published 28/01/2015 @ 19:51:49, By Sandie
But what about squirrels?
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Bears prefer minivans rather than sports cars
Published 28/01/2015 @ 20:38:58, By dsl

Don't believe everything you find in the Daily Mail. But I am surprised they managed a whole article without referring to the evils of socialism, Scottish independence, asylum seekers, or Princess Di.
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Bears prefer minivans rather than sports cars
Published 28/01/2015 @ 21:47:35, By Purzel89

Don't believe everything you find in the Daily Mail. But I am surprised they managed a whole article without referring to the evils of socialism, Scottish independence, asylum seekers, or Princess Di.

Yeah seriously, the polar bear is a Reincarnation of Princess Di which seeks Asylum in Alaska to put independent Scotland there. She hates Socialism so much.
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Bears prefer minivans rather than sports cars
Published 28/01/2015 @ 22:36:40, By dsl
I'm glad that's sorted.
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Bears prefer minivans rather than sports cars
Published 24/05/2015 @ 17:59:26, By ecclefechan

Not a minivan here. Actually probably the smallest car there, a Mitsubishi Colt.
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