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Cars & Movies » Cinema Vehicles Service old links no longer working
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Cinema Vehicles Service old links no longer working
Published 26/02/2016 @ 17:24:41, By karoomay
I noticed that Cinema Vehicle Services recently revamped its website meaning that links that were previously posted by users such as me, to identify their prop cars seen in movies and TV shows now no longer work as the url links have been changed. So it seems that the only solution to fix it is painstakingly edit each post that had the old links and switch it with the new ones which is annoying unless someone else has a better idea.

I just wanted to post this to make everyone aware of this change.

Latest Edition: 26/02/2016 @ 18:12:57
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Cinema Vehicles Services old links no longer working
Published 26/02/2016 @ 17:56:43, By Sandie
Thanks for the heads-up. Seems to have happened in the past week or so.

Will be a pain for those of us who have a lot of comments to search through to change (some might find it unnecessary).

Quickly checked my recent comments and was reminded of an issue with this: / which others might have an opinion on?
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Cinema Vehicles Service old links no longer working
Published 27/02/2016 @ 01:43:55, By antp
It is a little stupid from them not to keep the old links valid :ohwell:
The new site seems to use a different ID system, so I can't even update old links to new ones...

I'll contact them to ask just in case.

Latest Edition: 27/02/2016 @ 01:44:50
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Cinema Vehicles Service old links no longer working
Published 27/02/2016 @ 01:45:35, By night cub
They must have changed them today because I was looking at them yesterday.
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Cinema Vehicles Service old links no longer working
Published 27/02/2016 @ 10:04:18, By antp
Yes, they replied me, they just changed it. They'll see if they can do something.
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