General » Site/Ad Issues
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Site/Ad Issues
Published 21/05/2019 @ 02:24:14, By rjluna2
The text from my last message, I was able to flush the toilet on the temporary Internet Explorer setting. It no longer makes audio playback, but occasionally creating a long script message when I attempt to gain control of the page.
Please see attached to this message containing a blank ad here:
Please see attached to this message containing a blank ad here:
File: 20190520theoffence.jpg
( 15.2 KB - 2035 )
Site/Ad Issues
Published 21/05/2019 @ 09:18:59, By antp
Thanks; to report the problem they also request the address of the imcdb page from which you see the problematic ad
Site/Ad Issues
Published 22/05/2019 @ 23:56:22, By night cub
Can I ask how the page helps when the ads are generated randomly? I'm getting it too on most of the pages of the movie Excess Baggage that I'm in the middle of upgrading. The video they are trying to upload is much larger than the ad space,so all you see is the top corner of it. It tries to play, but can't, so you get 1-2 second snippets of it. Looks like it's a Lowe's Hardware store ad for paint stains.
For example, I just got it right now on the new Monte Carlo page.
Latest Edition: 23/05/2019 @ 00:05:05
For example, I just got it right now on the new Monte Carlo page.
Latest Edition: 23/05/2019 @ 00:05:05
Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/05/2019 @ 10:02:14, By antp
Thanks, I'll report that.
I guess that it allows them to retrieve which client it is exactly from the logs, as when the ad is published they probably know from which page it was requested.
Also, when reporting ads, if you can provide me your IP (can be in private message), it can help (previously I could get that from the forum as I'm admin, but it does not work anymore).
Latest Edition: 23/05/2019 @ 10:10:13
I guess that it allows them to retrieve which client it is exactly from the logs, as when the ad is published they probably know from which page it was requested.
Also, when reporting ads, if you can provide me your IP (can be in private message), it can help (previously I could get that from the forum as I'm admin, but it does not work anymore).
Latest Edition: 23/05/2019 @ 10:10:13
Site/Ad Issues
Published 28/05/2019 @ 00:06:38, By rjluna2
I was able to dissect one page that has blank ad:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=";paid=ro- ;avid=1243;caid=c-97r05e1tw;plid=cr-9fr12e1tw;siteId=232660;publisherId=18630;kv1=728x90; %2Fvehicle_1266592.html;kv3=RX-485cd589-5f85-4b9a-8558-a5584935475f;kv4=;kv7=2013;kv11=6fe96cb71d54f01ab9067b0d6def19ad;k- v12=1237434;kv16=33.9306;kv17=-84.4622;kv18=;kv19=;kv23=;kv26=Windows%207;kv25=Firefox%20-%20Windows;kv27=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Windows206.1%3B%20Win64%3B%20x64%3B%20rv%3A56.- 0)2F201001012F56.02F56.2.10;kv24=Desktop_Web_Banner;kv32=unknown" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=";paid=ro;avid=1243;caid=c-97r05e1tw;plid=cr-9fr12e1tw;siteId=232660;publisherId=18630;kv1=728x90; %2Fvehicle_1266592.html;kv3=RX-485cd589-5f85-4b9a-8558-a5584935475f;kv4=;kv7=2013;kv11=6fe96cb71d54f01ab9067b0d6def19ad;k- v12=1237434;kv16=33.9306;kv17=-84.4622;kv18=;kv19=;kv23=;kv26=Windows%207;kv25=Firefox%20-%20Windows;kv27=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Windows206.1%3B%20Win64%3B%20x64%3B%20rv%3A56.- 0)2F201001012F56.02F56.2.10;kv24=Desktop_Web_Banner;kv32=unknown"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//" roneflag="C3EA9A8B-0564-4203-B3F4-3974489D02A6" placementid="1237434" sspid="2013" dspid="1243" pubid="18630" siteid="232660" appbundle="" appid="unknown" campaign="c-97r05e1tw" media="site" device="desktop" userid="RX-485cd589-5f85-4b9a-8558-a5584935475f" useridorig="RX-485cd589-5f85-4b9a-8558-a5584935475f" domain="" ip="" ifa="" cc="US" dealid="" requestid="6fe96cb71d54f01ab9067b0d6def19ad" traffictype="Desktop_Web_Banner" throttlerate="0.047348" adservedomain="" divid="63f2be65d03431cdef4e4b6f01ee5d76-6fe96cb71d54f01ab9067b0d6def19ad-9949826f44d7def1965c7dca743e8726-78d60b548a6750678797bd48f0868216" ua="Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Windows206.1%3B%20Win64%3B%20x64%3B%20rv%3A56.0)2F20100101- 2F56.02F56.2.10" includedpartnerproducts="partner:Pixalate|product:Pixalate|method:JS,partner:Qu- antcast|product:Measure|method:JS" gdpr="false"></script>
<iframe src=" 6st26city26dma26zp26bw%3D4&adunit_code=2F.2_9723.3_imcdb.org_tier1&size=728x90&d- ata_type=1" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" allowtransparency="true" is-ren="true" height="1" frameborder="0" width="1"></iframe>
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This was extracted from Waterfox 56.2.10 (64-bit) browser.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=";paid=ro- ;avid=1243;caid=c-97r05e1tw;plid=cr-9fr12e1tw;siteId=232660;publisherId=18630;kv1=728x90; %2Fvehicle_1266592.html;kv3=RX-485cd589-5f85-4b9a-8558-a5584935475f;kv4=;kv7=2013;kv11=6fe96cb71d54f01ab9067b0d6def19ad;k- v12=1237434;kv16=33.9306;kv17=-84.4622;kv18=;kv19=;kv23=;kv26=Windows%207;kv25=Firefox%20-%20Windows;kv27=Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Windows206.1%3B%20Win64%3B%20x64%3B%20rv%3A56.- 0)2F201001012F56.02F56.2.10;kv24=Desktop_Web_Banner;kv32=unknown" type="text/javascript"></script>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="//" roneflag="C3EA9A8B-0564-4203-B3F4-3974489D02A6" placementid="1237434" sspid="2013" dspid="1243" pubid="18630" siteid="232660" appbundle="" appid="unknown" campaign="c-97r05e1tw" media="site" device="desktop" userid="RX-485cd589-5f85-4b9a-8558-a5584935475f" useridorig="RX-485cd589-5f85-4b9a-8558-a5584935475f" domain="" ip="" ifa="" cc="US" dealid="" requestid="6fe96cb71d54f01ab9067b0d6def19ad" traffictype="Desktop_Web_Banner" throttlerate="0.047348" adservedomain="" divid="63f2be65d03431cdef4e4b6f01ee5d76-6fe96cb71d54f01ab9067b0d6def19ad-9949826f44d7def1965c7dca743e8726-78d60b548a6750678797bd48f0868216" ua="Mozilla%2F5.0%20(Windows206.1%3B%20Win64%3B%20x64%3B%20rv%3A56.0)2F20100101- 2F56.02F56.2.10" includedpartnerproducts="partner:Pixalate|product:Pixalate|method:JS,partner:Qu- antcast|product:Measure|method:JS" gdpr="false"></script>
<iframe src=" 6st26city26dma26zp26bw%3D4&adunit_code=2F.2_9723.3_imcdb.org_tier1&size=728x90&d- ata_type=1" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" allowtransparency="true" is-ren="true" height="1" frameborder="0" width="1"></iframe>
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This was extracted from Waterfox 56.2.10 (64-bit) browser.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 24/07/2019 @ 03:25:45, By EmmaPlus
Has anybody else been having issues with ad compatibility with the site on Firefox browsers? If I happen to block ads, i don't have any issues but if I run ads the page doesn't load visually and the existing page locks up but the plain URL is shown if you right click on the back button at the top left of the window. For now I have to block ads but I was just wondering if anybody else has had this issue on any other browser?
when you happen to run the ads,it took some time to loading the page.maybe there is sth worong with the ads.That's why the page doesn't load visually.l came across the situation many times in IE.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/08/2019 @ 05:31:52, By night cub
On the home page, is there supposed to be a link for "" at the bottom of the page?
Site/Ad Issues
Published 25/08/2019 @ 14:36:55, By antp
Yes, that's a paid link, it is there since long time
Site/Ad Issues
Published 22/09/2019 @ 23:25:30, By rjluna2
I'm getting dubious web redirect on some page I was working at these 'Emergency' page(s): 51-3538417755-0&S2=15691772480404651631151395894182417&acsc=170412304&SUTM=661799
I'm not sure if this has affected to my services or not. I have already updated the flash player plug-in and blocked these offending web sites. 51-3538417755-0&S2=15691772480404651631151395894182417&acsc=170412304&SUTM=661799
I'm not sure if this has affected to my services or not. I have already updated the flash player plug-in and blocked these offending web sites.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 23/09/2019 @ 16:50:31, By Gamer
Yes, I've been getting that with Vodafone as well. On the phone, every time I click a link, a new tab opens. This was annoying but didn't disturb me any longer until it got to the point that when I clic
Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/01/2020 @ 10:24:19, By Sandie
Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/01/2020 @ 18:49:00, By chicomarx
Forum issue in Firefox, has been going on for a while:
Links to several threads and posters aren't clickable: 'Sandie', 'Porsche 914...', 'eriqx'
Links to subforums General and Contributions still work.

Links to several threads and posters aren't clickable: 'Sandie', 'Porsche 914...', 'eriqx'
Links to subforums General and Contributions still work.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/01/2020 @ 19:21:54, By chicomarx
Yep, solved by disabling Adblocker Ultimate. Thanks.
I installed it because I was still seeing Youtube commercials despite an adblocker and this one works.
I installed it because I was still seeing Youtube commercials despite an adblocker and this one works.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 10/01/2020 @ 19:51:09, By Baube
funny, i have AdBlock Ultimate and it didn't did this
but the forum issue is there for me too
Latest Edition: 10/01/2020 @ 19:51:55
but the forum issue is there for me too
Latest Edition: 10/01/2020 @ 19:51:55
Site/Ad Issues
Published 11/01/2020 @ 01:21:37, By chicomarx
You can add an exception in Adblocker Ultimate for IMCDb pages.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 11/01/2020 @ 01:44:06, By Baube
By forum issue i meant regged users : 0 while being logged in
or the opposite, my name being in the regged users list while i was not logged in
i did not had any problem clicking on the links
or the opposite, my name being in the regged users list while i was not logged in
i did not had any problem clicking on the links
Site/Ad Issues
Published 05/04/2020 @ 22:40:00, By wine
Does anyone else have issues with the site loading at all during the past few days?
I am using Sky Broadband in the UK and during the day, usually between like 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. the site did not load at all without using a VPN which is strange. Also, strangely enough, this issue seems to have not been present today thankfully
I am using Sky Broadband in the UK and during the day, usually between like 5 a.m. - 11 p.m. the site did not load at all without using a VPN which is strange. Also, strangely enough, this issue seems to have not been present today thankfully
Site/Ad Issues
Published 06/04/2020 @ 01:41:21, By dsl
Might be a problem with the Sky Broadband Shield which can decide to block access to particular sites as and when it feels like it, but doesn't always show its Access Blocked page (this may be affected by your browser as well). Try (1) a different browser (2) either switching the shield off completely (at your own risk - I've no idea if that's a sensible thing to do) or (3) configuring the shield to recognise imcdb as a legitimate site.
Site/Ad Issues
Published 06/04/2020 @ 07:39:32, By wine
Might be a problem with the Sky Broadband Shield which can decide to block access to particular sites as and when it feels like it, but doesn't always show its Access Blocked page (this may be affected by your browser as well). Try (1) a different browser (2) either switching the shield off completely (at your own risk - I've no idea if that's a sensible thing to do) or (3) configuring the shield to recognise imcdb as a legitimate site.
Oh nice, cheers! Will try to configure the shield if I can then. It definitely is a problem with Sky Broadband though, because the site loads just fine using my Vodafone mobile data lol (just checked that)
Latest Edition: 06/04/2020 @ 07:39:49
Site/Ad Issues
Published 22/05/2020 @ 07:54:41, By night cub
Has the board been sluggish today for anyone else?